There are game jams about all kinds of things. The subject doesn’t really matter so much as the constraints introduced and the creativity that flows from game designers working to overcome them together. So why not a game jam about watermelons?
Painting Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Different Colors Isn’t As Scary As It Looks
Truly painting your Joy-Con controllers will require taking them completely apart. The process looks gnarly but the people who have done it say it’s not that bad.
Painting Nintendo Switch Joy-Con Different Colors Isn’t As Scary As It Looks
Truly painting your Joy-Con controllers will require taking them completely apart. The process looks gnarly but the people who have done it say it’s not that bad.
Anime, Video Games, and Funk Flow Together In Thundercat’s Drunk
Thundercat is a bassist who blends video games into everything he does, and whose latest album situates references to Mobile Suit Gundum and Sonic at the heart of new electronic soul music.Read more…
Anime, Video Games, and Funk Flow Together In Thundercat’s Drunk
Thundercat is a bassist who blends video games into everything he does, and whose latest album situates references to Mobile Suit Gundum and Sonic at the heart of new electronic soul music.Read more…
Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Players Are Tricking Amiibos To Grind For Rare Loot
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is amazing in its own right. Its world is breathtakingly gorgeous and bursting at the seams with surprises. So why am I and other players wasting so much time resetting the Nintendo Switch’s clock so we can keep spawning new treasure chests with our Amiibos?
This Week In The Business: Nintendo Gives Indies An Itch To Switch
QUOTE | “The way we’re looking at Switch is this is a complementary platform. If it’s on Steam, then there’s no reason why it shouldn’t be on Nintendo Switch as well.” – Nintendo head of publisher & developer relations Damon Baker explains the mindset behind the company’s indie outreach.
Wife And Blind Husband Get To Enjoy Gaming Together Thanks To 1-2 Switch
Playing video games as a couple can be hard enough, but try finding something for two people to play when one of them is blind adds a whole new set of considerations. Enter 1-2 Switch, the interactive party game that finally gave a wife and her blind …
Fans Are Still Trying To Recreate An Expansion For Ocarina Of Time That Probably Never Existed
Ura Zelda was originally supposed to be an expansion for the The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that would add new new dungeons to the base game. Intended as disk for the 64DD peripheral that would work in tandem with the base game, it was never completed. So naturally, as Eurogamer reports, there’s an entire…
Sunday Comics: Camping Out
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except when it doesn’t. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.