Remnants of Naezith is a platformer that stars a grappling hook and wants to be the Super Meat Boy of twitch-based ledge swinging. There are dragon souls and remnants of them (as the title suggests), but in the end it’s all about being a futuristic Tarzan in a low-res world.
Overwatch Double-Ultimate Is A Sight To Behold
Oyana’s team was in overtime when they countered one devastating ult from the opposing Pharah with an exploding mech suit. There were bright lights, tons of explosions, and a lot of dead players.
Track: Get Lost | Artist: Washed Out | Album: TBA
Track: Get Lost | Artist: Washed Out | Album: TBARead more…
Monster Hunter XX On The Nintendo Switch Gets Its First Trailer
This is what Monster Hunter XX, a 3DS game, will look like on the Switch according to a trailer and gameplay footage shown by Capcom at this weekend’s Monster Hunter event in Japan.
The Week In Games: Injustice For All
Stop me if you’ve heard this one before: who do you think would win in a fight, Batman or Superman?
A new gameplay trailer for Sonic Mania shows Knuckles flying, climbing, and doing all the things you
A new gameplay trailer for Sonic Mania shows Knuckles flying, climbing, and doing all the things you’d expect. Everything looks great and sounds even better. Too bad the game was delayed until an unspecified date later in the year.
The Moms In Chrono Trigger Had It Rough
How would you feel if your son had died trying to save the world and his best friends never told you?Read more…
Here’s A Brief Look At Four Of The Maps Coming In Call Of Duty Zombie Chronicles
Just over a week ago this guy revealed Black Ops III’s fifth and final Zombies DLC would be a collection of eight remastered maps from previous games by unzipping a hoodie. Set to release on Tuesday of this week, here are some videos showing just what they’ll look like.
Charlie Murder and The Dishwasher Vampire Smile are now on Steam.
Charlie Murder and The Dishwasher Vampire Smile are now on Steam. Ska Studios’ indie beat-em-ups finally made it off of Xbox Live Arcade and onto PC yesterday, and if you enjoyed Salt and Sanctuary or like the idea of Edward Gorey meets violent side-scroller, definitely check them out.