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A Shift in the Mythos

Published 26 August 2022

Arkham Horror: The Card Game

A Shift in the Mythos

A New Arkham Horror: The Card Game FAQ is Now Available

Greetings, brave investigators of Arkham Horror: The Card Game!

After a number of supernatural trials and unearthly tribulations, the official FAQ and taboo list is ready for your consumption! With several repackaged campaigns hitting shelves and The Scarlet Keys expansions on the horizon, I’d like to take this time to explain some of the changes in this update. Before I get to the new ruling and the taboo list, there are a few errata I’d like to briefly go over. Most are self-explanatory, but there are a few I wanted to share some additional insight as to why the errata has been issued.


For the most part, we try to avoid issuing too many errata, since it’s best for cards to simply do what they say. However, we do issue errata when a card’s functionality is unclear or defunct, or when its effects have unintended, game-warping consequences. It has been a long time since the last FAQ update, so there are a few more errata in this update than there have been in past updates. We don’t foresee this being the norm, and it’s not something we prefer, but these errata are all important changes for a variety of reasons.

Most of the new errata are self-explanatory, however I did want to call attention to a few that might initially be confusing. First is Storm of Spirits (both versions) and MK1 Grenades, which both received a minor change to their damaging effect in order to allow them to combo with other cards as intended (for example, Marksmanship). This is a small enough fix that most players won’t even realize the difference, but it is more technically correct, which as we all know is the best kind of correct.

Next up is Hallowed Mirror, Occult Lexicon, and Miss Doyle, which all received a slight change to their forced effects so that their bonded cards are set aside instead of removed from the game when the Mirror/Lexicon leaves play. In addition to clarifying that these cards are meant to be re-usable if the Mirror or Lexicon leaves and re-enters play, this change puts these two cards in line with every other bonded card from The Dream-Eaters cycle.

Stick to the Plan received a one-word fix to ensure that the cards that attach to it do so facedown (meaning they are out of play). This mirrors the wording on other similar cards, such as Ancestral Knowledge and Backpack, and makes it clear that any Upgrade cards attached to Stick to the Plan are not actually active.

Finally, you may notice a more extensive series of changes to a number of cards and campaign guide entries from The Path to Carcosa campaign, which I want to briefly address. The new repackaged printing of The Path to Carcosa Campaign Expansion changes the “Lunatic” trait on many enemy cards, along with the card titles for several enemies, in order to better represent the story being told and to help pull the narrative away from harmful and incorrect stereotypes regarding mental illness. It is important to note that there are no mechanical changes to these cards whatsoever—if you already owned The Path to Carcosa, you can essentially play them as printed without issue. If you have the old copy of The Path to Carcosa, your cards will use the old language, and if you have the new copy, your cards will use the updated language. However, we wanted to make players aware of the changes as official errata so that there is no confusion as to why the changes were made. There are also a handful of small changes to the story text in a few instances to this effect, which are not listed in the FAQ. The only potential issue you might run into is if you have the new copy of The Path to Carcosa Campaign Expansion along with the old or current printing of Return to the Path to Carcosa, at which point there may be a few effects that still reference “Lunatic” enemies. I know that it’s not ideal, but I hope that players will understand why this change is important to me and many others.

Rulings and Clarifications

This FAQ adds a few new rulings and even new terminology which should help guide players to understand certain niche interactions better. The first is the introduction of the “Limbo” state. Limbo is what we on the development team have internally dubbed the liminal state between in-play and out-of-play that a transient card (such as a Treachery or an Event) is in while its effects are being resolved. This is not a change in the rules per se—this is technically how Treacheries and Events have always worked—this entry simply solidifies its place in the rules so players have a way to refer to it in order to better understand certain interactions, such as: while I am resolving this event, is it in my hand? Or is it in my discard pile? (The answer is neither!) Limbo will also likely never be referenced in any future card effects, so if you already understood how these interactions worked, congratulations; this entry changes nothing!

Another ruling I wish to address is (1.24), “Shifting Slots.” In essence, this ruling makes it clear how and when players can move assets between their various slots, especially when they possess abilities that cause assets to no longer take up slots or allow their slots to hold assets of a different slot type. The basic gist of the ruling is that an investigator must decide which slot is holding the asset at the time it enters play, and that cannot change unless the contents or quantity of the investigator’s slots changes. In other words, investigators cannot swap the contents of their slots whenever they wish, but whenever they play a new asset that takes up slots or the number of slots they have changes, they can rearrange all of the assets in their slots.

The other important new rule introduced in this update is “The Silver Rule,” which is sort of an extension of the game’s Golden Rule. The Silver Rule simply states that if an encounter card and a player card directly contradict one another, the encounter card takes precedence; otherwise, if two cards of the same type contradict one another, the lead investigator may decide. Note that like the Golden Rule, this only applies in the narrow case where two cards directly contradict one another and the conflict cannot be resolved in any other way (for example, if one card read “you cannot have more than 5 cards in hand” and another card read “you cannot have fewer than 6 cards in hand”). 

Most of the remainder of the rulings in this iteration of the FAQ serve to further define specific words, such as “look at,” “find,” “different,” “take/perform an action,” etc., in order to help players interpret specific card interactions.

The List of Taboos

The time has come to talk about the List of Taboos. With Edge of the Earth released and a brand-new set of investigators and player cards on the horizon, now is the best time to re-evaluate the card pool and make tweaks to ensure a healthy deckbuilding environment. Since it has been a while, this update to the Taboo List is a bit more extensive than previous updates, and we have a few tricks up our sleeve to make the full card pool as exciting and viable as ever. As always, the goals with this list are (1) to prevent certain cards from dominating players’ decks while still allowing those who wish to use them without limit to do so by breaking taboo, and (2) to give those players who do follow the taboo list some exciting new options they may have never considered before.

Before we get into the changes, I want to once again remind players about the theory behind some of these changes. First off, we always want to make changes that are intuitive and easy to remember. Ideally, a card can be chained or unchained, allowing it to function exactly the same as it used to, just with slight changes during deckbuilding. However, we have noticed that often a simple experience adjustment is not enough, and we must tackle the text of the card itself with a mutation. When we do so, we want to ensure that the basic design intent of the card remains the same, and the changes to the text still fit neatly within the card’s text box.

As a reminder, the taboo list is not designed to strike the perfect balance in terms of raw numbers. We know that there may be some weak cards we’re not bolstering or powerful cards we’re not nerfing. To make all of those changes would make the List of Taboos enormous and unwieldy, and it would consume dozens upon dozens of hours of development time. Instead, our goals with these changes are to limit potential abuse with precise scalpel changes, and enforce some big shifts in the game’s meta using huge “whoa!” chains or mutations that force players to reconsider cards that were previously “auto-includes” or “binder-fodder.”

We noted that our last few “buff” mutations were a huge success, so in this update we have made some very interesting mutations to some older cards to better integrate them into the modern card pool. I think players will find these changes fresh and exciting, so let’s get into it!

First off, we’ve removed a few cards from the chained list. Go, Machete! You are free! Most cards that end up chained do so because they dominate their particular niche; now that the card pool has expanded a bit, we feel comfortable resetting these cards to their original exp cost. This is one of the neat things about the List of Taboos—because it is not a permanent change, we can go back and alter previous taboos!

Second, we have unchained Signum Crucis and Rite of Equilibrium (-2 experience each) and chained Jeremiah Kirby and Gené Beauregard (+2 experience each). These are cards whose abilities work just fine, but we perhaps over or underestimated what their experience cost should be. These changes should help to put them in line with other cards of similar exp cost. We’ve also taken the opportunity to chain everyone’s favorite Eschatologist, David Renfield (+3 experience); the reasoning behind this change is in anticipation of many of the new cards coming in The Scarlet Keys Investigator Expansion, which are likely to propel this already popular powerful card to new levels of power.

Next is a series of cards that previously interacted with a specific set of chaos token symbols: Ritual Candles, Jewel of Aureolus, Voice of Ra, Dark Prophecy, and Counterspell. These cards have all received simple mutations with the intent of allowing them to combo with bless and curse tokens. We found that the previous change to the .35 Winchester was received very well, so we wanted to open up the usefulness of these cards to some of the new deck archetypes from the Innsmouth Conspiracy cycle. For example, now you can throw a lot of bless tokens into the chaos bag and use Jewel of Aureolus and Voice of Ra as economy cards, or a curse-focused Mystic can use Ritual Candles or Counterspell to offset some of the harm of their curse tokens. These changes should hopefully open up these cards to a world of new combo potential, and I am really excited to see what kinds of new decks players build using them!

Lola Hayes and Crisis of Identity: Lola has been a somewhat underpowered, yet beloved investigator for some time now. With a much larger card pool to draw from, her power has certainly increased over time, but we still feel that there’s room for Lola to grow into the shoes we wanted her to fill. Nonetheless, we want to use a very light touch here, since we’re not looking to completely redesign her. So, we’ve added three minor mutations to her kit in order to gently nudge her in the direction we want her to go. First, we’ve moved her forced ability to the backside of her card as “additional setup,” which puts her in line with similar investigators, and allows us to fit an extra line of text on her front side—an action that allows her to switch roles without provoking attacks of opportunity, and without limit. She still possesses her original ability to switch roles as a free triggered ability, but now you have an emergency option that can allow you to switch roles again if you absolutely need to, at the cost of one of your precious actions. This keeps her power level at a roughly similar level as before, but lowers her skill ceiling somewhat in that you can no longer completely corner yourself. The larger change here is to her weakness, Crisis of Identity, which only discards 1 card of her current role from her hand or from her play area, instead of all cards she controls. Let’s face it, this weakness was crippling, and perhaps the primary reason why Lola players wake up terrified in the middle of the night. This version of Crisis of Identity is much more palatable, while still having two copies in her deck and retaining the ability to mess with you at a crucial moment. We hope that the minor change to Lola’s investigator card, coupled with the more refreshing version of her weakness, allows Lola to finally shine. “Perhaps this would be her big comeback,” indeed!

Mandy Thompson and Mr. “Rook”: Now for the opposite. Mandy has been a point of discussion for a long time, which we were hoping to address through the use of taboos to her staple cards. However, we believe the time is right to issue a change to Mandy herself. That said, we feel that her ability is in the right place, so we’ve opted to hit her deckbuilding requirements, instead. This taboo changes Mandy’s Deck Size options so that she must take a 50-card deck. As always, if you want to play Mandy with a 30 or 40 card deck, you may feel free to opt out of the taboo list; however, we feel that the 50-card Mandy deck will help to balance out her incredible combo potential, and perhaps even encourage players to use her in more of a support role. You’ll notice we’ve also changed Mr. “Rook” in this update, as well. Instead of being chained at a massive +4 experience cost, we’ve opted to mutate Mr. “Rook” so his ability now costs an action. Shifting him back to 0 exp cost allows Mandy and other investigators to make use of his powerful search ability immediately at the start of a campaign, and we feel that the action cost, while steep, is appropriate for the level of power and flexibility Mr. “Rook” provides, especially when combined with Mandy and various secret-replenishing effects.

Finally, we’ve made a few other self-explanatory mutations, which I’ll briefly go over below.

Strange Solution (Acidic Ichor): This card simply did too much damage. Now it deals less damage. It’s still a solid option for Seekers looking to expand their repertoire, without laughing in the face of Guardians and Rogues.

Flute of the Outer Gods: I’ll be honest here, the reason this card is so xp-hungry is because we had a few wild playtests with this card and I got nervous. Sometimes it can be difficult to tell where a card’s true power level lies until it releases! This new version simply cuts its cost in half by removing the Exceptional keyword, making it a lot more playable, while still being a higher level card, where it should be.

Prophesiae Profana: This card now only allows you to ignore the first attack of opportunity you take each turn, instead of all of them, forever, until the end of time immemorial.

Black Market: This card is largely fine, but the fact that it could play copies of itself, especially in 3-4 player games, got a bit silly. It is now max once per round.

Eon Chart: This card’s combo potential is wild. We still feel like it is appropriately costed (or at least close to appropriately costed), so instead of chaining it, we’ve opted to change its effect so it only grants a basic action, meaning you can no longer use its action to play Breaking and Entering, activate Fingerprint Kits, etc. That said, we may revisit this card in the future if this measure is not enough.

Cyclopean Hammer: Like Eon Chart, we could have simply chained this card at +2 or +3 experience in order to reign it in a bit, but instead we’ve opted to add an exhaustion clause to its parenthetical effect. In other words, its base skill value remains the same, and you can still use it to one-shot a 3 health enemy, but its damage-per-round cap has lowered quite a bit. This ensures that high level weapons with limited uses will still outshine it in an extended battle, but keeps its overall usefulness pretty close to its original form.

We’ll be paying close attention to both the cards on this list and the cards that didn’t make this list in order to ensure the play environment stays healthy and fun. Please keep in mind that the taboo list is not meant to be a comprehensive balance adjustment; ideally we want to keep it as close to a single page document as possible. As I said last year, if the metagame is like a seesaw, we would rather see it teeter back and forth than be perfectly level 100% of the time.

Well, that’s all I have for you today. We’re extremely excited for the new campaign, and we can’t wait for players to get their hands on the new customizable cards and create their own intricate combos. Stay tuned to our website for more news, and good luck hunting down those Keys!

MJ Newman

Josiah “Duke” Harrist 


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© 2016 Fantasy Flight Games. Arkham Horror, Fantasy Flight Games, the FFG logo, Living Card Game, LCG, and the LCG logo are ® Fantasy Flight Games.

Available Now: August 19

Published 19 August 2022

The Lord of the Rings LCG

Available Now: August 19

The Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion is Now Available

Check out the latest product from Fantasy Flight Games, now available in the United States at your local retailer or online through our web store!

Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion

The western lands of Eriador have long remained peaceful under the vigilance of the Rangers of the North. Yet no grave can contain the evil forces of Angmar, which lurk in wild and ancient places, stretching the valorous Dúnedain rangers far and thin in their duty to protect the land.

In the Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion, one to four players join forces with the Dúnedain to defend Eriador and investigate the source of the evil that plagues the land. Across nine scenarios, playable over the course of a sequential campaign, they must confront Orcs, trolls, wraiths, and a cunning villain who wields dark sorcery.

This expansion includes all of the scenarios featured in The Lost Realm and the original Angmar Awakened cycle, now repackaged into one box, along with all-new campaign content. 

Not a standalone product. A copy of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game Revised Core Set is required to play.

You can pick up your own copy of the Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion (MEC108) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!*

*Available in the US and select markets. To find updates on this product’s release in your territory, please follow this link.

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©2011 Fantasy Flight Games. Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, events, items, and places therin, are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used, under license, by Fantasy Flight Games.

Tearing it Up

Published 18 August 2022

Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Tearing it Up

Announcing the Wolverine Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game

“I’m the best there is at what I do, but what I do isn’t very nice.”

Gifted with a powerful healing factor and armed with adamantium claws that can cut through anything, the hero known as Wolverine is a force to be reckoned with. Though trained as a killer by Weapon X, Wolverine has dedicated his life to helping others as one of the X-Men.

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce the Wolverine Hero Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!

This long-awaited hero slashes his way into battle with this expansion pack, which introduces Wolverine as a new playable hero along with his sixteen signature cards. With a pre-built Aggression deck ready to play from the get-go, you’ll be able to tear your way through the villains and their minions with Wolverine’s high-damage playstyle from the moment you open the box. With his powerful healing factor and refusal to back down, Wolverine is a hero that will keep fighting until the very end.

Also, this hero pack includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring the deadly Lady Deathstrike!


With a superhuman healing factor and adamantium claws at his disposal, it should come as no surprise that


(Wolverine, 1B) is a hero all about combat.

At the start of the game,


(Wolverine, 1A) ability puts

Wolverine’s Claws

(Wolverine, 2) into play. As his signature weapons, Wolverine’s claws let him pay for Attack events with his hit points instead of resources. His Healing Factor mitigates this cost by healing 2 damage at the start of the player phase, but you can also make use of his alter-ego form’s massive REC value of 6 in a pinch. You can increase your hit points with cards like

Adamantium Skeleton

(Wolverine, 4), which will allow you to pay for even more Attack events, and you can use

Regenerative Healing

(Wolverine, 12) if you start to run low on health but can’t afford to flip to alter-ego. Even if an enemy would defeat you, simply say

“I Got Better”

(Wolverine, 6) and continue your relentless assault.

The only thing that can really match Wolverine’s durability is his damage output.

Berserker Barrage

(Wolverine, 8) lets you keep attacking—and defeating—enemies so long as you have the hit points to pay for it,

Slice and Dice

(Wolverine, 9) gives you two attacks for the price of one, and

Lunging Strike

(Wolverine, 10) deals heavy damage with a chance at overkill. If your momentum starts to slow down, use

Track by Scent

(Wolverine, 11) to clear a side scheme and get yourself some more cards to work with.

Keeping with his theme of relentless offense, Wolverine’s pre-built deck comes with a full spread of Aggression cards to help him keep his momentum going. Use

Battle Fury

(Wolverine, 15) in combination with

Precision Strike

(Wolverine, 18) to heal some damage off of Wolverine and ready him for further assault, then hit the enemy with a

Mean Swing

(Wolverine, 19) empowered by

Warrior Skill

(Wolverine, 16) to do a dizzying amount of damage. If the villain’s scheming becomes a problem but you don’t want to stop attacking, call on


(Wolverine, 13) to help you slow the villain down. Wolverine is typically a loner, but if you happen to have


(Wolverine, 21) on the field (as a hero or ally), you can team up and nail the enemy with a devastating

Fastball Special

(Wolverine, 23). Few heroes can compare to Wolverine’s sheer damage output; simply cut him loose and watch him cut through the villain’s forces!

Hack ‘n’ Slash

As we mentioned earlier, the Wolverine Hero Pack also includes a brand-new modular encounter set. This set features the dangerous

Lady Deathstrike

(Wolverine, 34), an Elite minion with quickstrike whose precise attacks can drain your hand of resources at inopportune times. Not even characters with toughness are safe, since her

Adamantium Upgrades

(Wolverine, 36) give her attacks piercing and a significant power boost. Even when she isn’t in play, Lady Deathstrike’s propensity for

Hack ‘n’ Slash

(Wolverine, 37) tactics can come up at unexpected times, so you will always have to stay on your toes.

As with all other modular encounter sets, the Lady Deathstrike set can be added to any scenario for some extra challenge. Can you survive this Reaver’s deadly assault?

Berserker Frenzy

With his unrelenting offense and stubborn durability, Wolverine is a classic combat hero and an iconic member of the X-Men. Look forward to taking on Magneto and the Brotherhood of Mutants with Wolverine when the Wolverine Hero Pack arrives this fall!

You can pre-order your own copy of the Wolverine Hero Pack (MC35en) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!

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A Heroic Variety

Published 17 August 2022

Marvel Champions: The Card Game

A Heroic Variety

Check Out Some Deck Lists from the Marvel Champions: The Card Game Community

Hello, Marvel Champions: The Card Game players. This heroic card game has only been out for a few years, and yet players all over the world have built, rebuilt, and tweaked an ever-expanding variety of decks. Today, we’d like to showcase some of those decks for you!

We asked some wonderful members of the Marvel Champions: The Card Game community to share their favorite decks with us and tell us why they’re so great. You can find links to their full deck lists within their respective sections below, as well as their thoughts about the decks’ playstyles, strengths and weaknesses, and more.

So, without further ado, let’s take a look!

Black Cat Helps Spider-Menace Pay His Rent!

Deck List: Black Cat Helps Spider-Menace Pay His Rent!

Created By: Dan Roettgen, AKA KennedyHawk

Tell us about your deck’s general playstyle. Why is it your favorite deck? What are some of the best things you can pull off with it? Any standout combos?

Greetings! This Spider-Man deck is one of my favorites. It thrives off of extra activations from sets like Standard 2 (included in The Hood Scenario Pack) or heroic mode! If you are struggling with the villain performing double attacks, then try this out. Spider-Man’s signature ally, Black Cat, is often used because of her lack of consequential damage. This deck uses her for her Forced Response:

“After you play Black Cat, discard the top 2 cards of your deck. Add each card with a printed [mental] resource discarded this way to your hand.”

You stuff your deck with all sorts of Leadership goodies with mental printed resources, like Maria Hill, Nick Fury, and most of all Regroup (included in the Drax Hero Pack). Regroup returns any ally defeated due to an enemy attack this round to your hand. So, using slick defends with Black Cat, Nick Fury, and Maria, you can end up drawing a ton of cards every round and spamming allies for the whole table to use as blockers. You may notice in this deck that only 3 cards outside of Spider-Man’s kit do NOT have a printed mental resource. This is to optimize your chance of drawing cards with Black Cat.

What inspired the creation of this deck? What made you want to build it this way?

You can blame one of the game’s former designers, Michael Boggs. He announced in a release article about heroic mode that he wanted to see someone take down Klaw Heroic 3 with the Doomsday Chair modular set. This deck did it! If you don’t know, in heroic mode you deal each player an extra card each round. So, in Heroic 3 you deal each player 3 extra cards! This means Klaw can often overwhelm you by round 1. Well, with this deck you are spitting out so many allies you can eventually overcome Klaw (with a bit of luck).

What are some of the particular strengths of your deck? What are some of its weaknesses?

I mentioned earlier how this deck thrives off of extra activations. That is because Spider-Man’s hero ability, Spider-Sense, says:

“When the villain initiates an attack against you, draw 1 card.”

Because of this you’ll be drawing extra cards each time the villain attacks you and bouncing allies back to your hand with regroup. You often begin your turn with 10+ cards in hand if you can luck into an Assault or Stampede! That being said, this deck is weak to non-attack ally damage. Cards like Concussive Blast can send your allies to your discard pile prematurely.

What is your favorite scenario to play with this deck and why? What about your favorite campaign to use it in?

I would encourage players struggling with The Galaxy’s Most Wanted to give this deck a try. It has lots of boons to help you out. Regroup circumvents sending allies to the collection during Infiltrate the Museum, and you should have enough blockers to take down even Ronan! My favorite setup right now is to play against Klaw with Experimental Weapons and Weapon Master on Expert.

If a newer player wanted to give your deck a try, what advice or recommendations would you give them?

The deck isn’t too tricky. The one key is to not block with your allies until you have a Regroup on the board. Then block to your heart’s content. Remember, Spider-Sense only triggers when the villain initiates an attack against you, so blocking for other players won’t draw you a card. Knowing that, it still doesn’t hurt to bounce Maria or Black Cat back to your hand to replay next turn. It turns into free money! The kind Peter Parker needs…

Do you have a story or memory about this deck that you could share with us?

My most memorable moment was taking this up against Heroic 3 Klaw but I already mentioned that. So—come on Michael—give us a real challenge next time!

We also used this in our Galaxy’s Most Wanted campaign against expert Ronan. It was a blast to see my friends never have to defend (although the lack of defending sort of went over the Drax player’s head)!

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your deck?

Not about this deck but deck building in general. Each time you get a new pack, check out your favorite heroes from previous waves and see how the new aspect cards enhance them. Regroup is a strong card but it takes Spider-Man Leadership in a whole new direction, all because of the mental resource type. If something with energy perks your interest, how does it play with Captain Marvel? Or if there is a crazy new event maybe it will make Ms. Marvel even more fun! Enjoy your collection fully!

Gamora “Out of this World”

Deck List: Gamora “Out of this World

Created By: Michael the “WanderingTook”

Tell us about your deck’s general playstyle. Why is it your favorite deck? What are some of the best things you can pull off with it? Any standout combos?

I designed this deck to get as much use out of Gamora’s hero abilities (Precision and Finesse) as possible. Each strike cuts exactly where you want it, letting you and your teammates play with maximum efficiency. Pull out an Acrobatic Move to take down a minion, then follow-up with Gamora’s Sword to clear a tough status card. Then trigger Finesse to whittle down a scheme for a precisely-timed Clear the Area, letting you draw a card and trigger a Precision strike for even more damage. I love this deck because it is so precise. There is no wasted damage, and no excess thwart. It is brutally efficient and feels like I’m playing as Gamora.

The Protection aspect doubles down on her strengths. Cards like Energy Barrier and Momentum Shift help her stay in hero form for longer, which lets her trigger her innate abilities more often. First Hit and Counter-punch let her trigger Finesse in the Villain phase, and also activate her Sword for additional damage. In a pinch, you can bunker down with some Expert Defense and ready back up with Indomitable. She’s called the “Deadliest Woman in the Whole Galaxy” for a reason!

What inspired the creation of this deck? What made you want to build it this way?

I’m a Protection player at heart. When a hero is released, I immediately look for ways to exploit their “once per phase” abilities in the Villain phase. Gamora is a perfect fit for my playstyle. I was also exploring different ways to use the Protection aspect. This build emphasizes its counterattack style as well as damage mitigation capabilities.

What are some of the particular strengths of your deck? What are some of its weaknesses?

This deck’s biggest strength is its ability to do anything. It does damage, it clears threat, it keeps Gamora alive, and it does it all consistently. Gamora’s 2-2-2 statline makes her really versatile, allowing you to cover whatever you need done in a round. Naturally, the “jack of all trades” build makes her perfect for solo play. It also slots nicely into multiplayer games because you can use Finesse and Precision to set up your teammates for maximum effectiveness.

This deck has a couple of weaknesses that you need to be wary of. First, it only has two allies, which means you will be tanking a lot of hits. You’ll need to play it safe and make judicious use of your Protection cards to keep yourself in the game. Second, the only big damage cards are the two copies of Decisive Blow. This works for most games, but can be problematic when playing solo against modular sets that have a lot of beefy minions.

What is your favorite scenario to play with this deck and why? What about your favorite campaign to use it in?

I built this deck for The Galaxy’s Most Wanted, and it’s still my favorite campaign to use it in. You are pressured from all sides, which means there will always be a target for Gamora’s innate abilities. Astute readers will also notice that I added Piercing Strike, which is an efficient way to cut through a tough status card and steal the Power Stone. There are also a lot of low-health minions, and nothing makes you feel like you’re playing Gamora like cutting your way through a swath of Badoon! I highly recommend playing this deck against Drang.

If a newer player wanted to give your deck a try, what advice or recommendations would you give them?

This deck is great for new players, because it can do a little bit of everything. I recommend playing against some low-health minions in order to get a feel for how to best utilize Finesse and Precision. Drang and Mutagen Formula are good scenarios to start with. Since Gamora lives or dies by the events she can play, mulligan for Keen Instincts, and try to get her sword out as soon as possible. Once you have a feel for the deck, play with some friends and look for clever ways to maximize their strikes.

Do you have a story or memory about this deck that you could share with us?

My favorite play combined a fun bit of defense with some incredible teamwork. I played a Crosscounter to cancel the damage from a villain attack, which spread 3 damage around the board (from the card itself, Precision, and Gamora’s Sword). I then played a First Hit to tag a minion before it attacked, triggering Gamora’s Sword again and rebounding off an Energy Barrier. I could have placed the damage to kill the minion outright, but instead I spread that 7 total damage around the board to bring every minion down to 1 health. When the hero phase began, my teammate (who was playing Rocket Raccoon) cleaned up the board and triggered his overkill abilities on every single minion in play.

Ms. Marvel Draw Cards

Deck List: Ms. Marvel Draw Cards

Created By: Gonzalo “Owen” López

Tell us about your deck’s general playstyle. Why is it your favorite deck? What are some of the best things you can pull off with it? Any standout combos?

This is a deck focused on preparing and playing a lot of upgrades and supports in order to make your deck have as few cards in it as possible. Then, you draw lots of cards, which means each turn you are able to do many great things over and over. It is a slow deck that needs to be cooked over low heat to enjoy later. It is one of my favorite decks because you can easily have up to 11 cards in your hand, sometimes even more, and in games like Marvel Champions you win by drawing cards.

Combos like “One Way or Another” + “Skilled Investigator” + “For Justice” with other cards already in play like “Bruno Carrelli” + “Avengers Mansion” + “Aamir Khan” can give you some really fun hands.

What inspired the creation of this deck? What made you want to build it this way?

Ms. Marvel is a character who has a lot of supports, so, why not give her more? Everybody plays her with a lot of events, so when I thought of how to play with her, I wanted to do something fun and different. I know this is not the best way to play her and it´s not the most powerful deck, but it works really fine for me.

What are some of the particular strengths of your deck? What are some of its weaknesses?

As I said before, the strength of this deck comes from how many cards you can draw, but it is not easy; you have to control the scheme and prepare the game slowly before doing great things in the endgame, and sometimes this is not possible, especially in true solo, where you have to do everything yourself. But if you play this deck in a multiplayer game, you´ll have lots of fun for sure.

What is your favorite scenario to play with this deck and why? What about your favorite campaign to use it in?

At this moment I have to say Thanos, because it´s a tough scenario and I can beat it without suffering too much, and this makes me proud of the deck.

My favorite campaign to use it for is The Mad Titan´s Shadow, mainly because I love that campaign.

If a newer player wanted to give your deck a try, what advice or recommendations would you give them?

Do not rush, this is a deck to take time playing and preparing the game. Have you played 4 turns and still haven’t attacked the villain? Don´t worry, you can probably beat it in 2 good turns once you have all the supports and upgrades in play.

Do you have a story or memory about this deck that you could share with us?

I remember using this deck in the Kang scenario while playing with a friend. As we played, my friend told me: “You´re not doing much.” But once I was prepared, we went from Kang I to winning the game in only 4 rounds, beating Kang II and III in 3 rounds and doing a ton of damage to him.

Is there anything else you would like to tell us about your deck?

Give it a try, play it relaxed, and enjoy. That´s all.

Onward to Victory

These three decks are only a tiny taste of the possibilities that Marvel Champions: The Card Game has to offer. Whether you try out one of the decks shared here today or take a stab at building your own, there can be no denying the endless wealth of gameplay just waiting to be discovered! 

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Published 11 August 2022

Marvel Champions: The Card Game


Announcing a New Scenario Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Welcome, one and all!

Join us in the marvelous and magnificent Mojoverse, a terrifically televised realm of nonstop entertainment and jaw-dropping drama. We have a really special show for you tonight, folks: a bunch of upstart heroes think they can triumph over the trials before them, but will they actually manage to make a scene? Or will they drop off the charts like a bunch of has-beens? Stay tuned to find out!

Fantasy Flight Games is excited to announce MojoMania, a new Scenario Pack for Marvel Champions: The Card Game!

This 78-card scenario pack introduces three brand-new scenarios to the game, each featuring a different member of the Mojoverse. These scenarios can be played standalone or sequentially as the game’s very first three-part mini-campaign. Also included are six new modular encounter sets that can be added to any Marvel Champions scenario, expanding the game’s customization options to starry new heights. Do you have what it takes to survive the most dangerous reality TV ever?

A Battle for Ratings

The first episode of this mini-campaign pits the players against the mighty


(MojoMania, 1A), the ninety-nine time defending Mojoverse champion.

This scenario may seem like a classic, no-holds-barred brawl, but you’ll soon realize that this is no ordinary fight. MaGog will keep getting back up over and over again; he is the reigning


(MojoMania, 3A), after all. You and your fellow heroes are the


(MojoMania, 4A) here, and in order to win this

Melee in the Mojo-seum

(MojoMania, 2B), you must win the crowd’s favor. Earn


(MojoMania, 4B) 10 ratings counters per player before MaGog


(MojoMania, 3B), and you will walk away victorious!

Not that it will be easy. MaGog will fight tooth and nail to

Defend the Title

(MojoMania, 10), utilizing

Jolts of Adrenaline

(MojoMania, 5) and

Pumping Up the Crowd

(MojoMania, 8) to keep the heroes on their toes and ensure the audience stays on his side. And if things get dicey, he might get help from a

Surprise Contender

(MojoMania, 7), so you will always have to stay on your toes!

Once you escape the Mojo-seum, you will have to contend with


(MojoMania, 12A). This mystical teleporter could help you escape Mojo’s clutches, but you’ll need to catch her first. While Spiral is on her Escaped side, you’ll have to chase her

Across the Mojoverse

(MojoMania, 15B).

The Search for Spiral

(MojoMania, 16) will take you across several of Mojo’s sinister shows, but you must persist, because only once you’ve


(MojoMania, 17) her can you actually engage her in combat.

The Many Shows of Mojo

Once you’ve caught Spiral and convinced her to aid you, it’s time to face


(MojoMania, 22) and kick off the main event:


(Mojomania, 25B)! Spin the

Wheel of Genres

(MojoMania, 26A) and see if you can defeat the Spineless One before the show writers run out of ideas. Once the wheel


(MojoMania, 26B), another show is added to the playlist, but if there aren’t any shows left, your party will wind up canceled!

Both Spiral and Mojo’s scenarios utilize the “show” modular encounter sets included in this scenario pack. In these six encounter sets, you’ll find yourself thrown across several genres of television, from crazy crime drama to high fantasy to hair-raising horror to silly sitcom. Each show has a different theme to its mechanics; for example, the “crime” show focuses on side schemes, with schemes like

Crime Scene Investigation

(MojoMania, 37) and

Law & Order

(MojoMania, 38) massively hindering the heroes’ efforts. Meanwhile, the “fantasy” show has mechanics that represent quests, whether it’s a

Fetch Quest

(MojoMania, 45) to find something useful in your deck or a quest to defeat a monster, such as a


(MojoMania, 44) or a terrifying


(MojoMania, 42).

Longshot Takes the Stage

In addition to the six modular encounter sets representing Mojo’s television shows, MojoMania also includes a special single-card encounter set,


(MojoMania, 71)! Just like normal modular encounter sets, Longshot can be included in any scenario (though he does not count toward the number of sets that make up that scenario). However, Longshot is an encounter card that actually helps the heroes—he enters play as an ally under a player’s control, and he will continue to swoop in periodically throughout the game. This can slightly lower the difficulty of the game, so if you find yourself struggling with a particular scenario, give Longshot a call!

Televised Mayhem

Mojo is a formidable foe, and the struggles of you and your fellow heroes are giving him the sky-high ratings he desperately craves. Can you escape your televised fate? Or will you be forced to perform for the faceless masses forever? Find out when the MojoMania Scenario Pack releases this fall!

You can pre-order your copy of the MojoMania Scenario Pack (MC39en) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!

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Poison and Scourge

Published 28 July 2022

Journeys in Middle-earth

Poison and Scourge

Announcing a New DLC Campaign and Figure Pack for The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth

The noble kingdom of Rohan has a long history of war, and the aftermaths of those wars can still be felt today in the unquiet dead of the marshes to the East and in the grudge held by the Dunlendings to the West. Now, an avaricious enemy has set plans in motion from the shadows, and you and your fellow heroes must uncover the conspiracy before Rohan is plunged into war once more…

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce two new products for The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth: the Poison Promise downloadable campaign and the Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack, the game’s final physical expansion.

Poison Promise is the third downloadable campaign available for purchase through the Journeys in Middle-earth companion app, offering a completely new set of quests and challenges. This campaign uses elements from both the Core Set and the Spreading War expansion, which means you will need both products in order to play. With a branching storyline full of twists and traitors and different endings depending on your choices and actions, you won’t want to miss out on the game’s longest campaign yet!

Meanwhile, the Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack can be used to enhance both the Spreading War and the Poison Promise campaigns. The pack contains three beautifully-sculpted new miniatures of the primary villains of the two campaigns, as well as five new item cards and a new role that can be used in any Journeys in Middle-earth adventure!

Old Resentments

The party finds themselves in the kingdom of Rohan, where rumors of a conspiracy have spread their poisonous roots among the people. The campaign begins in the Entwash Inn as the heroes meet with a mysterious woman named Eadris. She claims that she can provide proof of the conspiracy if the heroes come with her, but can she actually be trusted?

As the heroes uncover Rohan’s past, a new threat will come to light. An Orc Chieftain named Angon looks upon Rohan with covetous eyes, and his schemes could earn him control of the kingdom without even needing to raise an army. His reach extends farther than the party can even imagine, and those they count among their allies may be secretly under his command. Who can you trust during this time of crisis? Is there anyone you can rely on for help?

In Poison Promise, you and your Fellowship must travel across Rohan and seek the answers you need to stop the machinations of Angon and eventually confront the Orc Chieftain himself. The campaign has your party periodically looping back to the Entwash Inn, where different encounters and events will take place depending on what adventures you’ve had up to that point. Gathering enough information to uncover the conspiracy is crucial to your success, but if you take too long, your opportunity to save the kingdom could slip from your grasp. With different endings and multiple story paths depending on your choices, successes, and failures, every playthrough of Poison Promise will feel unique, and you’ll find yourself returning to Rohan again and again.

Enemies Abound

Whether you take on the new challenges of Poison Promise or reexplore the trials of Spreading War, your Journeys in Middle-earth collection won’t be complete without the Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack. This is the game’s final figure pack, and with it you can bring villains like Angon and the Witch-king of Angmar to life with gorgeous premium figures.

Against such mighty foes, the party will need to be well-prepared, and thankfully Scourges of the Wastes also includes new player cards! Wield a

Short Sword

to strike down your foes and take on the role of “beast-friend” to call animals like a

Chittering Mouse



to your aid. Strike back against the shadows with these new tools at your disposal, and restore peace to the kingdom of Rohan!

Traversing the Wastes

Save Rohan from collapsing into a war of internal strife when Poison Promise arrives on the App Store, Google Play, Amazon, and Steam, and enhance your games of The Lord of the Rings: Journeys in Middle-earth when the Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack arrives in stores alongside it. Complete your Journeys in Middle-earth collection when both products release this fall!

You can pre-order your own copy of Scourges of the Wastes Figure Pack (JME10) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today! The Poison Promise downloadable campaign will be available around the same time that Scourges of the Wastes releases.

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©2019 Fantasy Flight Games. Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, events, items, and places therin, are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used, under license, by Fantasy Flight Games.

Available Now: July 22

Published 22 July 2022

Cosmic Encounter

Available Now: July 22

The Cosmic Odyssey Expansion for Cosmic Encounter is Now Available

Check out the latest product from Fantasy Flight Games, now available in the United States at your local retailer or online through our web store!

Cosmic Odyssey

You’ve conquered the stars in Cosmic Encounter®. You’ve weathered storms, defended against incursions, forged alliances, engaged in countless conflicts, and established dominion for eons. Or perhaps you’ve done none of those things, and Cosmic Encounter has only recently entered your life. Either way, there is still the ever-burning question: what comes next?

Well, dear friends, this comes next. And it’s going to be epic.

Cosmic Odyssey is a massive expansion bigger than anything Cosmic that came before it (aside from the base game, of course), and it packs enough wallop to enhance your wild and wonderful space shenanigans for countless games to come. Even if you don’t own any of the previous expansions, Cosmic Odyssey brings loads of aliens, variants, and a brand-new campaign mode to the table. It has more of everything Cosmic Encounter has to offer, and lots of things that have never been seen in the game before. It’s a never-ending odyssey, and one that no Cosmic fan will want to miss!

Not a standalone expansion. A copy of Cosmic Encounter is required to play.

You can pick up your own copy of Cosmic Odyssey (CE08) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!*

*Available in the US and select markets. To find updates on this product’s release in your territory, please follow this link.

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The copyrightable portions of Cosmic Encounter are © 2018 Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. Cosmic Encounter is a registered trademark of Eon Products, Inc. Used under license from Eon Products, Inc. Fantasy Flight Supply is a trademark of Fantasy Flight Publishing, Inc. All rights reserved.

Available Now: July 15

Published 15 July 2022

Marvel Champions: The Card Game

Available Now: July 15

The Spider-Ham Hero Pack and SP//dr Hero Pack are Now Available

Check out the latest products from Fantasy Flight Games, now available in the United States at your local retailer or online through our web store!


Greetings, citizens! You’ve met high-flying heroes, super-genius scientists, and cosmic sorcerers. You’ve seen awe-inspiring Avengers, grandstanding Guardians, and wondrous Web-Warriors. Now, it’s time for the porcine powerhouse, the spectacular super-pig, the wacky web-slinger, the one and only…Spider-Ham! This cartoon wonder WHAMs his way into players’ games of Marvel Champions: The Card Game with zany aplomb. Utilizing his wacky cartoon physics and goofy antics, Spider-Ham can take hits like a champ and thwart villains’ schemes with all sorts of colorful nonsense. With this Hero Pack, players will find Spider-Ham, his fifteen signature cards, and a full assortment of Justice cards inviting them to ruin the villains’ plans. This pack also includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring the iconic and terrifying Inheritors.

For players ready to challenge the Sinister Six, they can get started with the Spider-Ham Hero Pack! This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving players the chance to start playing right out of the box.

Not a standalone expansion. A copy of the Marvel Champions: The Card Game is required to play.

You can pick up your own copy of the Spider-Ham Hero Pack (MC30en) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!*


After her father’s mysterious death, Peni Parker became the new pilot of the SP//dr suit. Alongside her arachnid co-pilot, with whom she is psychogenetically linked, SP//dr defends the citizens of New York City from attacks big and small, and sometimes even travels across the Multiverse to aid fellow Spider-heroes in saving existence itself. Now, SP//dr swings into players’ games of Marvel Champions: The Card Game! SP//dr is a high-tech hero with a unique resource engine, allowing her to use her suit’s interface upgrades in myriad ways. With this Hero Pack, players will find SP//dr, her seventeen signature cards, and a full assortment of Protection cards inviting players to stop the villains’ assault in their tracks. This pack also includes a bonus modular encounter set featuring the notorious Iron Spider’s Sinister Six!

For players eager to challenge the villains of the Multiverse, they can get started with the SP//dr Hero Pack! This expansion comes with a 40-card pre-built deck, giving player the chance to start playing right out of the box.

Not a standalone product. A copy of the Marvel Champions: The Card Game core set is required to play.

You can pick up your own copy of the SP//dr Hero Pack (MC31en) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!*

*Available in the US and select markets. To find updates on this product’s release in your territory, please follow this link.

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The Bonds of Fellowship

Published 14 July 2022

The Lord of the Rings LCG

The Bonds of Fellowship

Announcing The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion for The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game

“One Ring to rule them all
One Ring to find them
One Ring to bring them all
And in the darkness bind them” – Inscription on the One Ring

Frodo Baggins and his companions have only just begun their legendary quest to destroy the One Ring and defeat Sauron. The journey is fraught with danger, from the brutal Uruk-hai to the terrifying Balrog, to say nothing of the dreaded Nazgûl that hound them at every step. But even in the face of such peril, Frodo and the others must press on—the fate of Middle-earth depends on it!

Fantasy Flight Games is proud to announce The Fellowship of the Ring, a repackaged Saga Expansion for
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game!

Experience the beginning of the journey to destroy the One Ring in this epic expansion. This expansion contains six scenarios that recreate the adventures featured in the first part of the legendary The Lord of the Rings saga. You’ll also find over 50 hero and player cards, which can be used to build or enhance your decks for any of the game’s scenarios or campaigns!

Note: For longtime fans of The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, this expansion combines all of the contents from The Black Riders and The Road Darkens. If you already own those two expansions, you will not find any new cards or content in this product.

The Journey Begins

“I will take the Ring,” he said, “though I do not know the way.” – The Fellowship of the Ring

In order to properly begin the quest to destroy the One Ring, The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion includes a treasure trove of player cards to expand your deckbuilding options, including a fifth sphere of influence, the Fellowship sphere!

This special sphere can only be used for scenarios in saga expansions, and it allows a player to control a special fourth hero that has the Ring-bearer trait. This expansion includes

two versions

(The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion, 1) of

Frodo Baggins

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 2), either of which can serve as the Fellowship sphere hero for a scenario. Both versions interact with

The One Ring

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 166) in their own way, and with Fellowship cards like

Fellowship of the Ring

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 25) and

Frodo’s Intuition

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 26) providing solid buffs to the party, you’ll be happy to have the Ring-bearer on your team! Just be careful; if the One Ring ever leaves play, you lose the game, so you must always remember to keep Frodo safe!

Fortunately, this expansion comes with plenty of potent hero cards to help you do just that. Frodo’s fellow Hobbits

Sam Gamgee

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 3),


(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 4), and


(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 6) all join the quest as a Leadership, Tactics, and Lore hero respectively. Each Hobbit has low threat cost but also low hit points, as well as stats that some might consider to be unimpressive. However, with cards like

Bill the Pony

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 8),

Hobbit Cloak

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 10),

Halfling Determination

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 14), and

Take No Notice

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 21), you’ll find that these Hobbit heroes excel at slipping past their enemies and working together to complete the quest bit by bit.

That said, if you are looking for a bit more raw power, then look no further than


(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 7). As a neutral hero, Gandalf does not belong to any sphere of influence, which means he normally can only spend his resources on neutral cards. However, his ability allows him to play the top card of your deck as if it were in your hand, and he “belongs” to all spheres when he does so. Combine that with tools like

Gandalf’s Staff

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 22),

Wizard Pipe

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 23), and

Flame of Anor

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 24), and Gandalf is a mighty hero that can guide any team to victory.

The Road Darkens

The riding figure sat quite still with its head bowed, as if listening. From inside the hood came a noise as of someone sniffing…The Fellowship of the Ring.

In addition to all the player content, this expansion also comes with six scenarios, which can be played individually or as an epic campaign.

As we mentioned earlier, this campaign recreates the events and encounters of The Fellowship of the Ring. You begin the story in the Shire, making your way through the wilderness and doing your best to avoid the

Black Riders

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 39) that hound your every step. The first scenario introduces the “hide X” keyword and hide tests, which represent your characters’ efforts to avoid their pursuers as they journey. Failing to hide when facing the dreaded Nazgûl can have dire consequences, so you will always want to have friends on hand to help you slip past your enemies unseen. Make your way to

Bucklebury Ferry

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 35), and you’ll be safe…for now.

As your journey continues, you’ll find yourself traveling to iconic locations from The Fellowship of the Ring, from

The Prancing Pony

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 52) to


(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 53) to the

Mines of Moria

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 124). You’ll have to contend with dangerous foes like

The Witch-king

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 167), the

Watcher in the Water

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 91), and

The Balrog

(The Fellowship of the Ring SE, 116), but if you hold firm and press ever onward, you will prevail.  

Note: As a fun bit of trivia for newcomers to The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, The Black Riders and The Road Darkens—the two saga expansions from which this one combines all the contents—were actually the expansions that pioneered the campaign mode for this game. This means that, even though the Revised Core Set and Angmar Awakened Campaign Expansion will have released before this product, The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion is the one that contains the game’s very first campaign! Also, this campaign will continue to its conclusion at Mount Doom in later expansions, so keep an eye out in the future!

The Ring Goes South

With the forces of Sauron on the move, only you and your fellow heroes can help Frodo on his journey to destroy the One Ring. Whether you missed The Black Riders and/or The Road Darkens or are just now getting into
The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game, you can look forward to adding The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion to your collection when it releases this fall!

You can pre-order your own copy of The Fellowship of the Ring Saga Expansion (MEC109) at your local retailer or online through our webstore today!

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©2011 Fantasy Flight Games. Middle-earth, The Lord of the Rings, and the characters, events, items, and places therin, are trademarks or registered trademarks of The Saul Zaentz Company d/b/a Middle-earth Enterprises and are used, under license, by Fantasy Flight Games.

FFG at Gen Con 2022

Published 14 July 2022

Arkham Horror: The Card Game

FFG at Gen Con 2022

Check Out the FFG Events at Gen Con 2022

Fantasy Flight Games is heading to Gen Con!

After two long years, our studio will finally be able to see all of you again at Gen Con 2022 in Indianapolis, Indiana  . In case you missed previous announcements, here is a list of the things FFG will be doing at the event. We hope to see you there!

Twilight Imperium Tournament

As part of the Twilight Imperium 25th Anniversary celebration, we will be hosting a Twilight Imperium tournament on the Thursday, Friday, and Saturday of Gen Con. Think you’ve got what it takes for galactic dominance? Take on other fans of FFG’s first board game and win some awesome prizes, such as special promo plastic ships, dice, and playmats!

If you haven’t registered for the tournament already, you can do so here!

Twilight Inscription Learn-to-Play

Back in May, we announced Twilight Inscription, an epic roll-and-write that takes place in the Twilight Imperium universe. At Gen Con, fans of Twilight Imperium and fans of roll-and-writes will all be able to take a sneak peek at this upcoming game with the Twilight Inscription Learn-to-Play events! Join game designer James Kniffen and learn to play this awesome game; trust us, it’s bigger and even better than you imagine.

If you want to guarantee a spot for the Twilight Inscription Learn-to-Play, you can sign up for it here! All four days of Gen Con will have multiple opportunities to participate, so sign up for whatever time slot works best for you!

The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game – The Hunt for the Dreadnaught

It’s tradition to have a standalone The Lord of the Rings: The Card Game scenario at Gen Con, and this year we see the return of The Hunt for the Dreadnaught. This high seas adventure sees multiple teams of heroes working together to overcome the threat of vicious Corsairs. Join designer Jeremy Zwirn and experience this epic multiplayer scenario for yourself. We’ll run this scenario at least once each day of the event, so sign up for a slot if you haven’t already done so!

Arkham Horror: The Card Game – Machinations Through Time

It’s also tradition to have a massive, multiplayer Arkham Horror: The Card Game scenario at Gen Con, and this year is no exception! Join game designer MJ Newman for a round of Machinations Through Time, a time-traveling adventure where you and your fellow investigators try to stop a dark force from altering history. This scenario will be run multiple times throughout all four days of the event, so be sure to stop by and see the horrors unfold!

Marvel Champions: The Card Game – Mutant Genesis Preview

The X-Men are coming to Marvel Champions: The Card Game! Fans of the game can enjoy a sneak peek at the upcoming campaign expansion, Mutant Genesis, which will be held multiple times a day on the Friday, Saturday, and Sunday of Gen Con. Join game designer Caleb Grace as you take on Sabretooth and see if you can beat the first scenario of the Mutant Genesis campaign. You can bring your own deck or try out one of the new heroes, Shadowcat and Colossus!

Game Demos

Outside of the event space, FFG will also be holding several free demos of games and expansions that released within the last year. Come try out Cosmic Encounter: Comic Odyssey, Descent: Legends of the Dark, Star Wars: Outer Rim – Unfinished Business, and more!

In-Flight Shorts

Even if you can’t make it to Gen Con this year, be sure to tune in to  our YouTube channel for several In-Flight Shorts throughout the event. These short-and-sweet, daily livestreams will show off bits and pieces of upcoming products, chats with developers, and special announcements!

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© 2016 Fantasy Flight Games. Arkham Horror, Fantasy Flight Games, the FFG logo, Living Card Game, LCG, and the LCG logo are ® Fantasy Flight Games.