Marvel vs. Capcom: Infinite is real, and we’ve played it.
A Lack Of Patches Is Threatening Pokkén Tournament’s Competitive Future
Despite being slated to return to the Pokémon World Championships in 2017, the competitive Pokkén Tournament scene is facing a massive problem. The console version of the game, which some players train on before competing on arcade units, is badly in need of an update. But the the people behind Pokémon have made no…
Fighting Game Competitor Urges Tournaments To Do More About Stalkers
Sherry Nhan, better known in the fighting game community as Sherryjenix, recently shared an unsettling story in a video posted to her YouTube channel. She claims she has been relentlessly contacted for almost two years by a man obsessed with her, behavior that has since materialized in the real world. And now she…
Marvel vs. Capcom Tournament Player Checks His Phone During Infinite Combo
The combos in Ultimate Marvel vs. Capcom 3 can be so long that a player who got hit by one at the Undefeated of the Southwest tournament this past weekend did some multi-tasking and took out his phone. Read more…
The Vote Over Evo 2017’s Ninth Fighting Game Is Reopening Old Wounds
This year, the Evolution Championship Series is giving nine fighting games the chance of a lifetime. The game that raises the most money for Make-a-Wish International (a non-profit organization dedicated to making the dreams of children with life-threatening conditions reality) will earn a spot during the prestigious…
Smash Bros. Players Infuriated Over Surprise Setting Tweak At Big Tournament
Although Super Smash Bros Melee closed out this weekend’s Genesis 4 with a bang, a cloud of controversy hangs over the tournament due to rule complications during the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U finals. The competitors most affected are looking for answers and, perhaps most surprisingly, compensation for the match…
Smash Bros. Players Infuriated Over Surprise Setting Tweak At Big Tournament
Although Super Smash Bros Melee closed out this weekend’s Genesis 4 with a bang, a cloud of controversy hangs over the tournament due to rule complications during the Super Smash Bros. for Wii U finals. The competitors most affected are looking for answers and, perhaps most surprisingly, compensation for the match…
Why A Bunch Of Fighting Game Fans Are Trying To Do Exactly 310 Damage Combos
During the holidays, a hashtag titled #310さんおめでとうコンボ started proliferating among fighting game fans. The tweet identifier, which roughly translates to “310 congratulations combo,” celebrates the wedding of Hikaru “310” Sato, a Japanese competitor known for his play in Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-. The challenge:…
Why A Bunch Of Fighting Game Fans Are Trying To Do Exactly 310 Damage Combos
During the holidays, a hashtag titled #310さんおめでとうコンボ started proliferating among fighting game fans. The tweet identifier, which roughly translates to “310 congratulations combo,” celebrates the wedding of Hikaru “310” Sato, a Japanese competitor known for his play in Guilty Gear Xrd -REVELATOR-. The challenge:…