Every MMO has its scammers. But in EVE Online, their scams are allowed. Getting ripped off is all just part of the fun.Read more…
EVE Online’s New Pirate Ship Can Hold 100,000 Human Corpses
EVE Online is about to get its biggest, most expensive warship ever: the Molok. A version of the game’s giant Titan spaceship that’s aligned with the Blood Raider pirate faction, it’s going to cost three to five times the price of an Avatar-class Titan. But all that cash outlay comes with serious benefits, like the…
EVE Online’s Election Season Is Underway
Eve Online’s New Eden is currently wrapping up its annual Council of Stellar Management (CSM) election cycle. The CSM is a real-world democratically elected congress. Born out of conflict in EVE’s world, the CSM is made up of popular streamers, creators of EVE-specific tools, and members of the game’s biggest groups.…
EVE Online’s Election Season Is Underway
Eve Online’s New Eden is currently wrapping up its annual Council of Stellar Management (CSM) election cycle. The CSM is a real-world democratically elected congress. Born out of conflict in EVE’s world, the CSM is made up of popular streamers, creators of EVE-specific tools, and members of the game’s biggest groups.…
EVE Online Players Destroy $13,000 Worth of Ships In A Surprise Attack
EVE Online is a game of risk versus reward, a game where players can take chances with their resources. Over the past weekend, the in-game organization know as “The Imperium” staged an annual event called “Burn Jita.” During this event, the safest areas of the game are invaded by renegade players, who turn everything…