Just because the Switch can go places doesn’t mean Nintendo is done announcing mobile hardware.
Dimitrije Miljus is a concept artist and illustrator from Serbia.Read more…
Dawn Of War III: The Kotaku Review
In the grim darkness of the far future there is only war. And more Warhammer games.Read more…
There is still good in this world.
There is still good in this world.Read more…
Persona 5 vs Grand Theft Auto V
In case your team of Phantom Thieves ever feel like moving onto crimes of a more tangible nature, here are a series of downloads that will let you run around Los Santos as Ann, Makoto, Yusuke and Joker.Read more…
Street Fighter V Stage Pulled Over “Unintentional Religious References”
Street Fighter V has a remake of the classic temple level from Street Fighter II. Or, it did for a few hours, until the stage was yanked from the game not long after fans quickly noticed it was full of Islamic chants.Read more…
Nice Wheels, Man
James O’Brien is a CG artist from Ireland. You like cars? Because O’Brien does real nice cars.
Track: Glass Eye | Artist: Leaf Dog | Album: Dyslexic Disciple
Track: Glass Eye | Artist: Leaf Dog | Album: Dyslexic DiscipleRead more…
Baseball Stars Are Signing Pokémon Cards
“I just thought it would be cool if professional athletes would sign Pokémon cards”, says Addison Russell, one of the best young talents in baseball.
Elite Players Find A Giant Derelict Spaceship
The Elite Dangerous community, no stranger to long-running and elaborate in-game mysteries, is currently in the midst of another, with players having followed some clues to find a massive ship that’s just drifting out there, alone in space, with nobody left alive onboard.