Tsutomu Nihei’s Blame!, first published in 1998, is a masterpiece in comic story-telling. Its 2017 animated adaptation, recently released on Netflix, is nothing like it.
Street Masters Turns Beat-Em-Ups Into A Board Game
Street Masters: Rise of the Kingdom is an attempt to take the underlying design of games like Double Dragon and Final Fight and turn them into a board game (with a lot of miniatures).Read more…
A Rare Video Tour Of Peak Sega
The Innoventions pavilion at Epcot is still around, but it’s a bit blergh in 2017. In 1994, though, it was the future, and a big part of that was getting to enjoy Sega in its prime.
Neill Blomkamp Is Making Short Movies For Steam
Director Neill Blomkamp, the guy behind movies like District 9 and Elysium (not to mention a very good attempt at Halo), is now heading up a studio that is going to be releasing “experimental short films” on Steam.
Australian Pokémon Are A National Treasure
Pixel God Paul Robertson has drawn up an exhaustive catalogue of Australian Pokémon based on national foods, sayings, places, plants and animals, some of which could kill you, some of them which (probably) wouldn’t.
Creepy Mod Transforms Fallout 4 Into A Horror Movie
Pilgrim is a mod for Fallout 4 that takes Bethesda’s Commonwealth and turns it into something you’d see in a game like Silent Hill.
Monster Hunter XX Is Coming To The Nintendo Switch
Capcom just announced that Monster Hunter XX, originally released on the 3DS as an expanded version of Monster Hunter Generations, will also be coming to the Nintendo Switch.Read more…
Monster Hunter XX Is Coming To The Nintendo Switch
Capcom just announced that Monster Hunter XX, originally released on the 3DS as an expanded version of Monster Hunter Generations, will also be coming to the Nintendo Switch.Read more…
The Art Of Alien: Covenant
Now that the movie is out, the artists who worked on Alien: Covenant are free to share their stuff. And regardless of your thoughts on the movie itself, it’s all very pretty.
First Trailer For Netflix’s Castlevania Animated Series
Announced earlier this year, here’s the first trailer for Netflix’s animated Castlevania series.