Back when Middle-Earth: Shadow of Mordor first came out in 2014, people pretty much immediately started asking, “When will other games get Nemesis Systems?” Flash forward three years, and the most prominent game to do it is… Shadow of War, the sequel to Shadow of Mordor. But soon you’ll be able to add XCOM 2 to that…
I played 20 minutes of Paradox’s new city builder, Surviving Mars, at E3.
I played 20 minutes of Paradox’s new city builder, Surviving Mars, at E3. The demo showed off different phases of planet colonization, from early moments establishing a livable area to later on, when I had multiple inhabited domes to work with. The game draws on real-world science and seems complex. If, however, you…
Fallout 4 Modder Makes Joke ‘Creation Club’ That Spits Out Random Items
Bethesda’s Creation Club is a new program that’ll allow select development teams and modders to develop, polish, and release Fallout 4 and Skyrim content alongside Todd Howard’s magical toy factory. Modder CDante’s “Creation Club” is a different kind of club entirely. A golf club.
Elite’s Aliens Will Be A Nightmare To Fight
Since 2015, Elite Dangerous players have felt some kind of alien presence hovering on the periphery of their space trucking adventures. Recently, things came to a head, with players making direct contact with Thargoid ships on multiple occasions. Where is this all going? I spoke with senior designer Sandy Sammarco…
Pokémon Go Revamping Gyms, Adding Co-op Raids
In celebration of its anniversary, Pokemon Go is undergoing some major changes. Before you get too excited, no, player-vs-player battles aren’t among them. Gyms, though, are about to get more accessible, and you’ll soon be able to team up with friends to go on raids against mega-powerful Pokemon.
Vote On All The Best Stuff From E3
E3 Was Different This Year, And It Wasn’t Just The Crowds
It’s the first day of E3. I’m walking the show floor—or more accurately, oozing across it, slug-like, followed by a trail of my own sweat. I’m shoulder-to-shoulder with swathes of people. Across the way, crowds of people whoop and holler, each of them hoping to win swag they can stuff in their floor-length swag bags.…
An Indie Shooter Where One Team’s Invincible, The Other’s Invisible
Competitive first-person shooters operate on all sorts of sets of unspoken rules. Teams should be, more or less, evenly powered. Opponents should die occasionally. Everyone should be visible—at least, most of the time. Aftercharge aims to break those rules.
“Yes, they do make me feel like a walking billboard, but I think about how easy it will be to carry
“Yes, they do make me feel like a walking billboard, but I think about how easy it will be to carry my laundry later,” an E3 attendee told of the body-length bags companies hand out at conventions. She also offered a convention bag pro strat: hide them in bushes outside instead of lugging them around. Odds are, nobody…
Despite Political Overtones, David Cage Says Detroit Is Mostly About Androids
Near the end of the Detroit: Become Human demo I saw during E3, renegade android Markus and his partner North incite a riot among recently freed androids. If you choose to set things on fire, North triumphantly declares, “Now the humans will have no choice but to listen to us.” Main character Markus, staring into the…