Nearly every open world game makes the player collect random garbage, and it’s almost never fun. Instead, collectibles often come across as content fodder, meant to pad up the time a player might spend with a game. Breath of the Wild is not like that at all.
Horizon Zero Dawn Players Are Using Photo Mode To Take Some Killer Pictures
Horizon Zero Dawn comes packed with a robust photo mode that you can access any time you pause, and boy, are people taking advantage of it.Read more…
Tips For Playing Horizon Zero Dawn
Turns out, kickin’ robot dinosaur ass is kinda hard. If you want to make it in the untamed wilds, you’re going to need some cunning, wit, and fast reflexes. Here’s what you should know.
Tips For Playing Horizon Zero Dawn
Turns out, kickin’ robot dinosaur ass is kinda hard. If you want to make it in the untamed wilds, you’re going to need some cunning, wit, and fast reflexes. Here’s what you should know.
YouTubers Are Getting Dragged For Not Supporting PewDiePie 100%
Following the Pewdiepie controversy from last week, a good deal of YouTube rallied around the Swedish star in an attempt to defend him against ‘unfair’ attacks by the mainstream media. A few high-profile YouTubers weren’t quite as enthusiastic in their defense, which has led to some backlash.
YouTubers Are Getting Dragged For Not Supporting PewDiePie 100%
Following the Pewdiepie controversy from last week, a good deal of YouTube rallied around the Swedish star in an attempt to defend him against ‘unfair’ attacks by the mainstream media. A few high-profile YouTubers weren’t quite as enthusiastic in their defense, which has led to some backlash.
Why Pokémon Go Players Are So Hyped About Unown
Unown, the letter-shaped monster, is causing a stir in Pokémon Go right now thanks to their mysterious nature. Everyone wants to capture Unown, but half the people talking about it aren’t even sure it’s actually in the game.
Pewdiepie’s Shock Humor Is Par For The Course On YouTube
While Pewdiepie makes headlines over a “death to all Jews” stunt that backfired, the kicker is that such antics are not an anomaly on YouTube. The open secret that everyone knows but nobody really talks about: many of YouTube’s popular nerdy figures are openly ‘offensive’ in an attempt to push back on a world that…
Pokémon Go Update Will Finally Add 80 New Monsters From Gold and Silver Later This Week
After months of fan begging, Niantic will finally pull through and add real content to Pokémon Go. A Pokémon Go update slated for sometime this week will allow players to collect dozens more creatures from the Johto compendium.
YouTube Cancels Pewdiepie’s Show, Removes Him From Premium Advertising
A month after YouTube’s biggest star uploaded a video containing the phrase “Death To All Jews,” the service that once hosted that very content is distancing itself a bit from Felix Kjellberg.