Weekends are for going to see another play with a friend because you’re being very cultured lately. Good job, you. Also, video games.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
Weekends are for going to see another play with a friend because you’re being very cultured lately. Good job, you. Also, video games.
Here’s May’s Xbox Live Games With Gold Lineup
May’s Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup features a couple Star Wars games and some Lara Croft. Remember, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Gold subscription.
Here’s May’s Xbox Live Games With Gold Lineup
May’s Xbox Live Games with Gold lineup features a couple Star Wars games and some Lara Croft. Remember, these games are only “free” if you have an active Xbox Live Gold subscription.
Flinthook Is A Tough But Fair Game About A Space Pirate
There are several bosses in Flinthook, a 2D platforming roguelike (roguelike-like? A game with roguelike elements? ANYWAY) by Tribute Games that is out today for computers and consoles. Seven hours in I haven’t beaten the first boss, but I’m having a great time anyway.
Elite: Dangerous’ latest update brings multi-crew, commander creation, and a whole lot more.
Elite: Dangerous’ latest update brings multi-crew, commander creation, and a whole lot more. Also, “new mysterious things added.” The best type of things are the mysterious type.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
Weekends are for agreeing to go see A Doll’s House with your friend so spending tomorrow morning brushing up on your Ibsen because you don’t remember that play at all. Also, video games.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
Weekends are for reminding yourself that even though the workout routine you just started isn’t super impressive, you gotta start somewhere, and getting some exercise will make you happier than lounging around. Also, video games.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
Weekends are for reminding yourself that even though the workout routine you just started isn’t super impressive, you gotta start somewhere, and getting some exercise will make you happier than lounging around. Also, video games.
Gwent gets a PS4 beta this weekend, from Friday afternoon to Monday morning.
Gwent gets a PS4 beta this weekend, from Friday afternoon to Monday morning. Your progress will be deleted once the beta’s over, but that’s still a whole weekend for me to lose at Gwent to actual people. Oh boy!