Playing video games as a couple can be hard enough, but try finding something for two people to play when one of them is blind adds a whole new set of considerations. Enter 1-2 Switch, the interactive party game that finally gave a wife and her blind …
Nintendo Turns The Switch Into A Crying Baby
The mini-games we’ve seen for 1-2-Switch haven’t been that odd. (Well, save for that cow milking one.) Today, however, Nintendo revealed more of its mini-games, and one of them sure is unusual.
Here’s What One Gym Class Looks Like In 2017
The Interactive Gym, the latest project from the Canadian tech company SAGA, takes the traditional idea of gym class and adds a layer of augmented reality, turning the walls into giant games of skee-ball.Read more…
The Nintendo Switch Already Has A Promising Esport
I’m seeing a lot of negativity out there about the Switch’s launch line-up, but I really don’t know what people are talking about. The 1-2 Switch is gonna be a system seller, and it’s going to be because of this amazing cow milking mini-game.