The Battlefield series is renowned for intricate easter eggs. In the latest, a series of clues added in the recent They Shall Not Pass DLC allows players to summon a terrifying giant shark from the depths.Read more…
Battlefield High Five Left Hanging
On today’s Highlight Reel we have high fives, Nier combos, Andromeda glitches and much more!
Battlefield High Five Left Hanging
On today’s Highlight Reel we have high fives, Nier combos, Andromeda glitches and much more!
New Battlefield 1 Easter Egg Is Like The House From Up
Battlefield is known for its intricate easter eggs and hidden secrets. The latest hidden secret pulls directly from Disney to create a stunning and humorous sight.Read more…
What To Expect From Battlefield 1’s First Expansion
Battlefield 1‘s first expansion, They Shall Not Pass, is just around the corner. It’s not about 32 Gandalfs fighting 32 Balrogs for 32 eternities, unfortunately, and instead focuses on the long-awaited French army.
After Months Of Investigation, Battlefield 1 Easter Egg Only Turns Up A Dog Tag
Battlefield 1 players looking to solve the depths of the game’s most elusive puzzle have hit pay-dirt. Translated morse code and a hunt to find hidden symbols yielded an underwhelming reward: a measly dog tag.
Battlefield 1’s Winter Update Adds Ribbons, Increases Class Level Cap
Numerous changes are coming to Battlefield 1 as part of a winter update. Alongside the expansion pack They Shall Not Pass, the game will see changes to class rankings and the addition of combat ribbons.Read more…
Battlefield 1 Gets Around To Adding The French
The decision to leave the French out of Battlefield 1 at launch was always a weird one, considering the country’s enormous contributions to the war, but whatever: they’re now being added as part of the game’s first expansion, called They Shall Not Pass.
Battlefield 1’s Latest Patch Nerfs Popular Sniper Rifle
The Martini-Henry is one of Battlefield 1‘s most interesting guns. It is a sniper rifle that is very difficult to use. You have no scope and one shot before reloading. If you made it count, the Martini-Henry could be a beast. But Battlefield 1‘s latest patch has transformed it into a something of a joke weapon.
Battlefield 1’s Latest Patch Nerfs Popular Sniper Rifle
The Martini-Henry is one of Battlefield 1‘s most interesting guns. It is a sniper rifle that is very difficult to use. You have no scope and one shot before reloading. If you made it count, the Martini-Henry could be a beast. But Battlefield 1‘s latest patch has transformed it into a something of a joke weapon.