If you’ve been playing Battlefield 1 this weekend, you might have seen the game’s gorgeous zeppelins do something unexpected.
Battlefield 1 Medic Can’t Stop Stabbing People With Syringes
The Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to commit to a code of ethics about saving, and protecting life. Chief among its principles is “do no harm.” World War I was hell though, so the medics in Battlefield 1 can be forgiven for doing as much harm, if not more, than good.
Battlefield 1 Medic Can’t Stop Stabbing People With Syringes
The Hippocratic Oath requires doctors to commit to a code of ethics about saving, and protecting life. Chief among its principles is “do no harm.” World War I was hell though, so the medics in Battlefield 1 can be forgiven for doing as much harm, if not more, than good.
Battlefield 1: The Kotaku Review
Matthew McConaughey once said that sometimes you need to go back to move forward. The team at DICE must have been very moved by that sentiment. Taking it to heart and pushing the Battlefield series nearly 100 years back into World War I for this year’s release of Battlefield 1 was a gamble. It has largely paid off.
Oh, The Humanity Of Battlefield 1’s Zeppelin Explosions
Today on Highlight Reel we have tons of Battlefield clips, exploding zeppelins, familiar screams, and much more!Read more…
Oh, The Humanity Of Battlefield 1’s Zeppelin Explosions
Today on Highlight Reel we have tons of Battlefield clips, exploding zeppelins, familiar screams, and much more!Read more…
Some Battlefield 1 Players Are Sucky Squad Leaders
Being a squad leader in a Battlefield game can be intimidating. It’s hard enough worrying about your own skin when there’s tanks rolling around, mortars dropping, and baddies on the prowl. I get it. But some of you suck at doing your job.
Even the hellfires of war can’t stop nature’s impossible beauty.
Even the hellfires of war can’t stop nature’s impossible beauty. Reddit user needfx encountered his awe inspiring double rainbow while playing on Battlefield 1‘s Ballroom Blitz multiplayer map.
Battlefield 1 Sniper Perfectly Fakes Out Enemy
Today on Highlight Reel we have Battlefield 1 moments, Halo spins, Overwatch point defenses, UFC knockouts and much more! Read more…
Battlefield 1 Sniper Perfectly Fakes Out Enemy
Today on Highlight Reel we have Battlefield 1 moments, Halo spins, Overwatch point defenses, UFC knockouts and much more! Read more…