Fire Emblem Echoes: Shadows of Valentia is the newest installment in the popular tactics game series. Whether you’re a fresh faced rookie or a war weary strategist, there’s a few things you should know if you want to conquer the battlefield.
Tips For Playing Injustice 2
The battle between good and formerly-good comes to a head in Injustice 2, but there’s much more to the game than the kicking and the punching. Here are some tips to help you get the most out of Netherrealm Studios’ DC Comics dress-up battle simulator.
Tips For Playing Prey
Prey is a tense, moody game that makes you distrust everyday objects because they might secretly be monsters. Whether you’re just launching the game or well into your exploration of Talos I, here are some tips for making it through.
Tips For Playing Prey
Prey is a tense, moody game that makes you distrust everyday objects because they might secretly be monsters. Whether you’re just launching the game or well into your exploration of Talos I, here are some tips for making it through.
Tips For Playing Overwatch
Of all the games with tens of colorful heroes and millions of people playing incessantly, Overwatch is the least overwhelming. Still, it’s not like anything else out there. It’s not a typical shooter, nor a MOBA, nor even a heartwarming point-and-click adventure starring a gorilla in glasses. Here are some tips to…
Tips For Playing Persona 5
Persona 5 is a really good game. It’s also complicated and occasionally unforgiving, with a ton of rules to learn and systems to memorize. If you want to live your best possible year in Tokyo, you may want a little guidance.
Tips For Playing The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is a big, brilliant game full of secrets to uncover. It’s a blast to explore on your own. But you might need a little nudging.
Tips For Playing Horizon Zero Dawn
Turns out, kickin’ robot dinosaur ass is kinda hard. If you want to make it in the untamed wilds, you’re going to need some cunning, wit, and fast reflexes. Here’s what you should know.
Tips For Playing Horizon Zero Dawn
Turns out, kickin’ robot dinosaur ass is kinda hard. If you want to make it in the untamed wilds, you’re going to need some cunning, wit, and fast reflexes. Here’s what you should know.
Tips For Playing Nioh
The PS4 samurai action game Nioh is out today. It is really good. It’s also really difficult. If you want to play it but don’t want to spend hours figuring out how everything works, I’ve got you covered.