Gamers are a funny bunch. Board gamers, doubly so. We treasure our board games. We put plastic sleeves on our cards to keep our games immaculate and pristine. We do not tolerate spilled drinks. So writing on the board (in permanent marker!), placing st…
Battlestar Galactica’s Board Game Is For Hating Your Friends
Most of the board games I play with my crew are fairly recent, but on the weekend we dove into our pile of shame and played our first round of Battlestar Galactica. It either went very badly or very well, depending on how much hate and mistrust you lik…
Awesome X-Wing Miniatures Game Now Has A Campaign
The X-Wing miniatures game is very, very good
. If there’s a complaint I have about it, though, it’s that there isn’t a campaign mode for more long-term play and…oh, wait, thanks to a very dedicated fan, now there is. Wonderful.
League Of Legends Gets A Board Game, And It’s Sick With Yordles
A three-year labor of love for a very small team at League of Legends developer Riot Games, Mechs Vs. Minions is a co-op programmatic board game pitting four freakishly adorable Yordle characters against a horde of trash mobs. Read more…