The key takeaway from Castle Cats, a new free-to-play mobile game for iOS and Android, is that you can collect adorable feline versions of Harry Potter, Django, Katniss Everdeen and Cthulhu. Also, they are fighting an evil Pugomancer. The rest is a bit…
Castle Cats Isn’t Much Of A Game, But The Cats Are Excellent
The key takeaway from Castle Cats, a new free-to-play mobile game for iOS and Android, is that you can collect adorable feline versions of Harry Potter, Django, Katniss Everdeen and Cthulhu. Also, they are fighting an evil Pugomancer. The rest is a bit…
Turn Cat Doodles Into Horrific Cat Photographs
pix2pix is a program that lets you draw something in a box and have a computer turn it into a photo, using…well, magic. There is now a website version of it, and it’s both the most impressive and horrifying thing I’ve seen today.
Popular Fallout 4 Radio Mod Runs Because Of Invisible Cats
It’s been said that video games are all smoke-and-mirrors—elaborate feats of code and trickery that imply possibilities far greater than what you’re actually able to do. Sometimes, though, the truth is much stranger. Sometimes the truth is radios powered by invisible cats.
Cats Really Do Make TV News Better
I said it before, and I’ll say it again. Cats make television news shows better.
Cats Really Do Make TV News Better
I said it before, and I’ll say it again. Cats make television news shows better.