Jazzpunk is weird and funny and absurd. An adventure game in the mold of Stanley Parable, it shoves genres, jokes, and cultural references into a blender and offers the result with a nonplussed grin.Read more…
Pewdiepie’s Shock Humor Is Par For The Course On YouTube
While Pewdiepie makes headlines over a “death to all Jews” stunt that backfired, the kicker is that such antics are not an anomaly on YouTube. The open secret that everyone knows but nobody really talks about: many of YouTube’s popular nerdy figures are openly ‘offensive’ in an attempt to push back on a world that…
A Game Where You Go Bowling For Fascists
It’s been a few weeks since we saw inexplicably famous white nationalist Richard Spencer punched in the face and the world has only gotten stranger. Luckily, games are an excellent outlet to explore the world around us. Handväska! is a silly response to the rise of modern fascism and it’s this week’s Indie Pick.
A Game Where You Go Bowling For Fascists
It’s been a few weeks since we saw inexplicably famous white nationalist Richard Spencer punched in the face and the world has only gotten stranger. Luckily, games are an excellent outlet to explore the world around us. Handväska! is a silly response to the rise of modern fascism and it’s this week’s Indie Pick.