It’s time for the final press conference of E3 2017, and as always, it’s Nintendo, coming in with a 25-minute Nintendo Spotlight that’ll be full of news for Switch, including but not limited to Super Mario Odyssey.
E3 Day Two Podcast: Sony, Ubisoft, Bethesda
Jason and I continue our Kotaku Splitscreen E3 2017 coverage discussing press conferences from Sony, Bethesda, and Ubisoft. Which company had the best show? Or rather, which was the least disappointing? Listen to find out.Read more…
Ace Combat 7, originally due this year but now out in 2018, has an E3 trailer.
Ace Combat 7, originally due this year but now out in 2018, has an E3 trailer. This is exactly the kind of game PlayStation VR was made for. Read more…
No, this isn’t a Redwall tie-in, but nobody is going to stop you from pretending.
No, this isn’t a Redwall tie-in, but nobody is going to stop you from pretending. This is Moss, an adventure game coming to PlayStation VR.
Here’s A Nice E3 Moment
I think it’s safe to say that Michel Ancel has been through some shit when it comes to Beyond Good & Evil.
Gran Turismo Sport is going to be out on the PS4 in Fall 2017, according to this E3 trailer for the
Gran Turismo Sport is going to be out on the PS4 in Fall 2017, according to this E3 trailer for the racing game. Read more…
Everything Sony Showed At E3 2017
Sony just wrapped their E3 2017 press conference, where Insomniac’s Spider-Man almost managed to distract from the fact that they didn’t announce Bloodborne 2.
David Cage’s next ~emotional~ sci-fi game, Detroit, showed us us the battle between androids and hum
David Cage’s next ~emotional~ sci-fi game, Detroit, showed us us the battle between androids and humans tonight. Tensions are high: androids do not want to be simply property.
PS4’s Spider-Man Looks Like A Rush, Out In 2018
Insomniac’s Spider-Man, first shown at last year’s E3 (and which despite the timing has nothing to do with the new movie), looked promising today with a demonstration of high-flying gameplay.
God Of War Looks Great, Goes Full Dad
Kratos is back (again), and yes, he’s still half-god, half-beard, all-dad.