The Battlefield series is renowned for intricate easter eggs. In the latest, a series of clues added in the recent They Shall Not Pass DLC allows players to summon a terrifying giant shark from the depths.Read more…
The Hunt For The First Arcade Game Easter Egg
“I was torn between the irrational fear that someone else would stumble on and publish my 40 year old discovery before me, and the very real fear that when I did, no one would care.” Former Microsoft developer Ed Fries went on one heck of a journey to try and recreate one of the earliest easter eggs in video game…
The Hunt For The First Arcade Game Easter Egg
“I was torn between the irrational fear that someone else would stumble on and publish my 40 year old discovery before me, and the very real fear that when I did, no one would care.” Former Microsoft developer Ed Fries went on one heck of a journey to try and recreate one of the earliest easter eggs in video game…
After Months Of Investigation, Battlefield 1 Easter Egg Only Turns Up A Dog Tag
Battlefield 1 players looking to solve the depths of the game’s most elusive puzzle have hit pay-dirt. Translated morse code and a hunt to find hidden symbols yielded an underwhelming reward: a measly dog tag.
The Last Guardian Players Are Looking For A Final Big Secret
Ico and Shadow of the Colossus had deviously hidden secrets. Hidden areas and special weapons awaited players who explore those games to the fullest. But where are the secrets for The Last Guardian?Read more…
16 Years Later, Fans Find Secret Messages Hidden In Paper Mario
Sometimes, developers put stuff inside of a game that players are never supposed to see. Such was the case with the original Paper Mario, which apparently had a bunch of dialogue that was not discovered until very recently.Read more…
16 Years Later, Fans Find Secret Messages Hidden In Paper Mario
Sometimes, developers put stuff inside of a game that players are never supposed to see. Such was the case with the original Paper Mario, which apparently had a bunch of dialogue that was not discovered until very recently.Read more…
What Happens If You Wear The Silver Shroud Costume In Fallout 4’s Nuka World DLC
The Silver Shroud costume was one of the best gags in Fallout 4, and Bethesda has been keen to keep the joke going in all the DLC, including the latest installment, Nuka World. Let me tell you, the lines are excellent.Read more…