After a long, tedious ARG, Sombra is finally in the wild. For some, the biggest question about Sombra is how she’ll change up Overwatch’s competitive play. For others, it’s “who is she gonna kiss?”
Why Overwatch Fans Are Obsessed With ‘Shipping’ Its Female Characters
Since release, Overwatch has spawned reams of fan-created content, which is unusual for a game that has no single-player story mode. A sizable portion of this content centers specifically around the women characters, who are, in the fandom’s eyes, all totally dating and kissing each other.
Why Overwatch Fans Are Obsessed With ‘Shipping’ Its Female Characters
Since release, Overwatch has spawned reams of fan-created content, which is unusual for a game that has no single-player story mode. A sizable portion of this content centers specifically around the women characters, who are, in the fandom’s eyes, all totally dating and kissing each other.
A Tale Of Love On The Overwatch Battlefield
It was an Overwatch romance that was never meant to be, that nobody asked for. Her, a pro gamer turned mech pilot with attitude. Him, a cheap Party City Halloween costume possessed by someone’s dad. Both of them controlled by cruel gamer gods with a thirst that no amount of Mountain Dew could quench.