Along with giving folks a comfortable means of typing for hours on end, a decorated mechanical keyboard can also reflect the passions of the user. Since no existing keysets adequately reflected my love of Final Fantasy, I made my own.Read more…
World Of Final Fantasy’s Ridiculous Mirage Manual Is Worth Reading
One of the best reasons to collect all of the mirage creatures in World of Final Fantasy is to fill out the Mirage Manual, a catalog of creatures with some very colorful flavor text. Here are some of the best to get you started. Read more…
Why Overwatch Fans Are Obsessed With ‘Shipping’ Its Female Characters
Since release, Overwatch has spawned reams of fan-created content, which is unusual for a game that has no single-player story mode. A sizable portion of this content centers specifically around the women characters, who are, in the fandom’s eyes, all totally dating and kissing each other.
Why Overwatch Fans Are Obsessed With ‘Shipping’ Its Female Characters
Since release, Overwatch has spawned reams of fan-created content, which is unusual for a game that has no single-player story mode. A sizable portion of this content centers specifically around the women characters, who are, in the fandom’s eyes, all totally dating and kissing each other.