And to think, we were impressed when someone recreated just one sequence of the movie. But now a Russian crew has gone and remade a good portion of Terminator 2 inside Grand Theft Auto V, with a final runtime of just over an hour of footage.Read more…
GTA V’s Police Are A Danger To Themselves And Others (But Mostly Themselves)
You thought Grand Theft Auto V’s firefighters were bad? The police would like to have a word with you.
Eleven-Year-Old Gets Used Copy Of GTA V, Finds Bag Of Meth
According to Havana, Florida mom Kayla McAllister, her 11-year-old son was flipping through the manual of a used game purchased from GameStop on Sunday when he came across a plastic bag containing a white substance. They called the police and yep, it’s meth.
Eleven-Year-Old Gets Used Copy Of GTA V, Finds Bag Of Meth
According to Havana, Florida mom Kayla McAllister, her 11-year-old son was flipping through the manual of a used game purchased from GameStop on Sunday when he came across a plastic bag containing a white substance. They called the police and yep, it’s meth.
The Top 30 Selling Games In Japan Are Dominated By Mario Kart 8 Deluxe
Last week, Mario Kart 8 Deluxe was way out in front in the Japanese sales chart, surprising absolutely no one. Some of the entries, however, might catch you off guard.Read more…
Persona 5 vs Grand Theft Auto V
In case your team of Phantom Thieves ever feel like moving onto crimes of a more tangible nature, here are a series of downloads that will let you run around Los Santos as Ann, Makoto, Yusuke and Joker.Read more…
GTA Online Revisits Its Top-Down Roots Next Week
Grand Theft Auto Online’s Tiny Racers update, releasing next week, applies a little historical perspective to the game’s stunt racing, a callback to the series’ top-down origins.
Mod Brings Crysis’ Nanosuit To Grand Theft Auto V
Let’s see how those cops like it when you’re rollin’ down Rodeo in your MAXIMUM ARMOUR.
GTA V Stunt Escalates Quickly
Here’s a driver from Evolve Stunting, ready to make a jump off a ramp and maybe do a few spins and oh he’s got company.
It’s 2017, Let’s Laugh At This Grand Theft Auto News Story
We’re a few years past laughing at media’s reporting on video games, partly because we just don’t care anymore, partly because they’ve (for the most part) improved their game. This hilarious story from Australia’s Channel 7, though, is just too good/terrible to ignore.