Earlier this month, a mod that added Samsung’s Galaxy Note 7 to Grand Theft Auto V started making the rounds. The twist? In the game, it was meant to be used as a bomb, because the real Note 7 can get a little explode-y from time-to-time. Samsung, apparently, did not love the joke.
GTA V Jumbo Jet vs 100 People
RZED had a simple question: could a big enough crowd of GTA V civilians stop one of the game’s replica 747s?
If GTA V (And Trevor Phillips) Were Real
This live-action comedy short by Corridor Digital has a very special co-star: Steven Ogg, the guy who voiced Trevor in Grand Theft Auto V, plays a live-action version of the same character.Read more…
GTA Online’s Bikers update is now live.
GTA Online’s Bikers update is now live. Here’s the official trailer, which should tide players over until they can ride through this world all alone. With friends. And straight-flying crows.
GTA Online’s Bikers update is now live.
GTA Online’s Bikers update is now live. Here’s the official trailer, which should tide players over until they can ride through this world all alone. With friends. And straight-flying crows.
Stunning New GTA V Mod Beset With Claim That Some Of Its Code Was Stolen
A few days ago, we covered GTA 5 Redux
. It is an intense overhaul mod that rebuilds Los Santos with new textures and effects. It is the work of modder Josh Romito but now the makers of another mod are claiming it uses stolen files and code.Read more…
Stunning New GTA V Mod Beset With Claim That Some Of Its Code Was Stolen
A few days ago, we covered GTA 5 Redux
. It is an intense overhaul mod that rebuilds Los Santos with new textures and effects. It is the work of modder Josh Romito but now the makers of another mod are claiming it uses stolen files and code.Read more…
Bikers Update Brings Motorcycle Clubs To Grand Theft Auto Online
Coming soon to the multiplayer side of Grand Theft Auto V, the Bikers update will allow players to recreate their Sons of Anarchy fantasies in real-time with up to seven fellow motorcycle enthusiasts. Read more…
Making Friends In GTA V Is Hard
Poor Limmy. All he wanted to do was make a friend. Someone who would look out at the sea together with him.Read more…
GTA V’s Missions Are The Ultimate Thrill Ride
The Grand Theft Auto series is the modern epic, encompassing American culture in all its decadence and corrupted glory. The humor is crass, the violence is shocking, and the game’s allure keeps us going mission after a mission as we follow a cast of conflicted criminals.