GTA V fans have looked for aliens endlessly since the launch of the game, all to no avail. After years of fruitless searching, fans have finally started solving a three-year-old mystery involving an alien egg in the GTA V code.Read more…
GTA Online’s Big New Update Adds Awesome Stuff, But It’s Still Frustrating
GTA Online’s free Gunrunning update, which dropped last week, lets players acquire a variety of military tools and weapons, including an underground military bunker. None of it is cheap, and once you have it, you might be left waiting around for too long in order to make any money or unlock more toys.
Rockstar Games responds to the shuttering of popular GTA V modding tool, says Take-Two “were not spe
Rockstar Games responds to the shuttering of popular GTA V modding tool, says Take-Two “were not specifically targeting single player mods.” Read the full statement here.
Frustrated GTA Online Players Want Much Better Clothes For Women
GTA Online is mostly known for violence and open world shenanigans, so most people don’t realize just how much the fandom cares about clothes. For over a year now, some of the most hardcore players have been using online forums to gripe about the fashion options available for women characters in GTA Online.
GTA Online Revisits Its Top-Down Roots Next Week
Grand Theft Auto Online’s Tiny Racers update, releasing next week, applies a little historical perspective to the game’s stunt racing, a callback to the series’ top-down origins.