Since the 2011 debut of its first super-skinny gaming laptop, Razer has supplemented the Blade line with models either smaller or less expensive than original. Starting at $3,699, the new Blade Pro bucks that trend, resulting in Razer’s the most impressive desktop replacement yet.
Razer Blade Pro 2016 Review: The Top Of The Thin Line
Since the 2011 debut of its first super-skinny gaming laptop, Razer has supplemented the Blade line with models either smaller or less expensive than original. Starting at $3,699, the new Blade Pro bucks that trend, resulting in Razer’s the most impressive desktop replacement yet.
There’s No Reason For A Super Nintendo Computer Keyboard, But It Sure Is Pretty
I can’t imagine many rational reasons anyone would need a keyboard designed to coincide with the colors of the Super Nintendo, but I have to admit there’s something soothing about the rows of gray, lilac, purple and black keys of Hyperkin’s “retro-style” Hyper Clack keyboard.
There’s No Reason For A Super Nintendo Computer Keyboard, But It Sure Is Pretty
I can’t imagine many rational reasons anyone would need a keyboard designed to coincide with the colors of the Super Nintendo, but I have to admit there’s something soothing about the rows of gray, lilac, purple and black keys of Hyperkin’s “retro-style” Hyper Clack keyboard.
Oculus Touch Review: The Best VR You Can Get
When the Oculus Rift VR headset came out earlier this year, it was promising but incomplete. It had this nice, comfy set of virtual reality goggles… but that was all. This week, Oculus finally catches up.
I’m Pretty Into These Buttons Under My Game Controller
Recently I’ve been using a new controller to play video games. It has buttons on the top, and triggers on the back. It also has buttons underneath.
Hori Tactical Assault Commander Pro Review: Mouse And Keys For The PS4 Set
Just because you’re playing a console game doesn’t mean you have to use a console controller. Hori’s Tactical Assault Commander (TAC) Pro brings streamlined PC controls to the PlayStation 4 and 3, just in time for first-person shooter season.
Nvidia GeForce GTX 1050 And 1050 Ti Review: Entry-Level PC Gaming For The Win
Pascal is one of Nvidia’s greatest achievements in the past decade. The company’s latest GPU architecture took gaming performance to the next level with the GTX 1080 in May and then again with the Titan X only a few months later, though you’ll need $600+ to get your Pascal party started with one of these flagships.
A Pro-Grade Mic Made For Console Streaming
Normally, if you want really good voice on your console game stream, you’ve got to run through a capture card to a system equipped with a nice mic. Turtle Beach’s new Stream Mic promises professional results while connecting directly to an Xbox One or PlayStation 4.
The Latest Razer Laptop Wants To Be A Gaming Desktop
Razer’s ultra-thin line of Blade gaming laptops has traditionally been about balancing power with portability. Housing a Geforce GTX 1080 without adding anything to its .88 inch thickness, next month’s new Razer Blade Pro aims to be the best of both worlds.