Blizzard is making some changes to card packs in Hearthstone. No more duplicate legendary cards until you have them all, and starting with the next expansion, you’ll be guaranteed at least one legendary in the first ten packs of a new set.
Hearthstone Playoffs Will Be Held In Buffalo Wild Wings, Which Presents Some Problems
Think you’ve got what it takes to qualify for the Hearthstone Spring Championships? Okay, but can you do it in a Buffalo Wild Wings? If you’re looking to compete in this year’s Hearthstone Spring Playoffs, you might have to throw down in a loud room that smells like honey barbecue sauce.
Hearthstone’s Formerly Garbage ‘Hungry Crab’ Is Making a Comeback
Can a crab become a hero? In both Hearthstone and in the animal kingdom at large, the answer has long been a resounding “no.” But now the answer is: maybe.
Hearthstone’s Quest Rogue Deck Is Annoying, But It’s Not OP
Every once in awhile, a Hearthstone deck rolls around that’s so strong, so finely-tuned, and so effective, it’s hard not to play against it without getting at least a little bit salty. In the wake of the game’s latest Journey to Un’Goro expansion, that deck is called the Quest Rogue.
Hearthstone’s Quest Rogue Deck Is Annoying, But It’s Not OP
Every once in awhile, a Hearthstone deck rolls around that’s so strong, so finely-tuned, and so effective, it’s hard not to play against it without getting at least a little bit salty. In the wake of the game’s latest Journey to Un’Goro expansion, that deck is called the Quest Rogue.
Un’Goro Expansion Makes Hearthstone More Random, Probably More Expensive
With the release of Journey to Un’Goro and the announcement of its future Hearthstone expansion roadmap, it seems like Blizzard is making some substantial changes to the way it releases new cards. It’s got players pretty peeved, but it might be the best thing for the game’s long-term health.
Hearthstone’s Volcanosaur Launches Early, Causes 24 Hours of Mayhem
In the lead-up to this week’s launch of Hearthstone’s new Journey to Un’Goro expansion, Blizzard Entertainment ran a limited-time promotion that rewarded players with unique prizes for each day they logged in. April 5’s prize was a free Un’Goro card called the Volcanosaur.
New Hearthstone Patch Nerfs Pirates And Shamans
A new patch for Hearthstone will make it easier to climb the ranks, and allow for a little more variety in the ladder.Read more…
New Hearthstone Patch Nerfs Pirates And Shamans
A new patch for Hearthstone will make it easier to climb the ranks, and allow for a little more variety in the ladder.Read more…
Now You Can Farm WoW Gold For Overwatch Loot Boxes And Hearthstone Cards
Thanks to a change in the way Blizzard’s WoW tokens work, players can now farm World of Warcraft gold and apply it towards credit for Overwatch loot boxes, Heroes of the Storm character unlocks and Hearthstone cards.