During last year’s Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima commented on Metal Gear Survive. Respected Japanese news outlet Nikkei now has some of the alleged drama that surrounds that.
Report: The Hideo Kojima And Konami Saga Seems Endless
During last year’s Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima commented on Metal Gear Survive. Respected Japanese news outlet Nikkei now has some of the alleged drama that surrounds that.
Kojima Tries To Explain Naked Norman Reedus At Tribeca
The man behind Metal Gear continues to hone his persona as a really weird creative dude. At the Tribeca Film Festival’s games event, Hideo Kojima revealed why the teaser for Death Stranding opened on a naked Norman Reedus as well as some other random Kojima Facts™.
Our First Look Inside Kojima Productions’ New Office
In December 2015, after escaping from leaving Konami, Hideo Kojima set up a new studio. And now, that new studio has a new office. Read more…
Kojima Calls Guerrilla’s Decima Engine A ‘Rocket’ That Can Take Death Stranding To Jupiter
Hideo Kojima likened the development of Death Stranding using Guerrilla’s Decima Engine to the Space Race during the Cold War in a series of recent tweets. The collaboration with the creators of Horizon Zero Dawn, in Kojima’s words, “enables us to go to the mars but even to the Jupiter.”
Kojima Calls Guerrilla’s Decima Engine A ‘Rocket’ That Can Take Death Stranding To Jupiter
Hideo Kojima likened the development of Death Stranding using Guerrilla’s Decima Engine to the Space Race during the Cold War in a series of recent tweets. The collaboration with the creators of Horizon Zero Dawn, in Kojima’s words, “enables us to go to the mars but even to the Jupiter.”
Mads Mikkelsen, After Kojima Explained Death Stranding: ‘I Only Understood Some Of It’
Don’t know what’s going on in the new trailer for Death Stranding? No worries: neither does Mads Mikkelsen, and he’s starring in it.