Hitman’s 10th Elusive Target, The Pharmacist, will be available September 16th. They’ll be in Paris for a week, which is plenty of time to plan an awesome approach and then forget one minor detail and bungle the whole thing (not that I would do that, obviously).
Hitman Season One: The Kotaku Review
It’s the middle of the day, and I’ve spent the last couple of hours trying to figure out how to kill this stupid cameraman. You’d think it would be easy, but I have to make it look like an accident and I can’t harm the newswoman he’s working with. Much harder than it sounds.
Hitman Episode 5, “Freedom Fighters,” will be released on September 27th.
Hitman Episode 5, “Freedom Fighters,” will be released on September 27th. The episode takes place in Colorado and features four targets.