You’re about to cross the finish line. Suddenly, a spiky blue shell starts hovering over you. Now, there are ways to avoid getting hit by the world’s most annoying item, but in that moment, there is only tunnel vision for the goal in front of you.
Dear PS4 Controller: I’m Sorry I Threw You
You might judge me for this, but when I get mad at games, I occasionally bash keyboards and/or throw controllers. Usually, it’s no big deal. A few moments later, I start feeling better, and I pick up my controller and play some more. Last night was different. My PS4 controller, sadly, did not survive the incident.
Sunday Comics: Stop Manufacturing Them
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except when it doesn’t. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.
TSA Regulations Place World of Warcraft In Dire Peril
TSA Regulations Place World of Warcraft In Dire Peril
Quiz: Which Inscrutable Nintendo Business Decision Are You?
Last week, Nintendo discontinued the NES Classic, for some reason. This is far from the first questionable business decision they’ve made and it definitely won’t be the last. Find out which one of these decisions you are in this quiz.
Pokémon Hunter Gets Rare Shiny On First Try, Freaks The Hell Out
In modern Pokémon games, there is only a 1 in 4,096 chance you’ll find a monster in a special coloring. People can spend hours, days, weeks, sometimes even years searching for shiny Pokémon to no avail, just resetting a game over and over again. Here’s what happens when you find a legendary shiny on your first try.
Watching GTA V Firefighters Try To Put Out Fires Is The Gift That Keeps On Giving
I don’t think anybody would call GTA firefighters “competent,” but even so, their chaos can reach hilarious new heights under the right conditions.
The Journey To Throw A Zelda: Breath of the Wild Cucco Into Death Mountain
Under normal circumstances, Cuccos are seemingly invincible: nothing can strike them without incurring the wrath of the swarm. We’ve even witnessed Cuccos killing mini-bosses. Cuccos are hardcore! But what happens when you throw a Cucco into lava?
Computer Creates Fake Video Games That Sound Better Than Real Video Games
Remember how someone taught a nueral network to name Pokemon? Someone else has taught one to name video games, and I would buy almost all of them. Starting with a port of Sega’s hit 2008 arcade game Christ.