It’s still April 1st, but this is no joke: Rick and Morty season 3 is here, and you can watch the first episode right now, for a few hours at least.
Rockstar Releases Busted GTA Online Car That Costs Nearly A Million In-Game Dollars
The latest car added to GTA Online is the Infernus Classic, an expensive 80s-era Vice City vehicle that can now be driven around in modern-day Los Santos. One problem: the car is broken.Read more…
Zelda Is Also A Sick 90s Skate Video
If you’re wondering why EA don’t go and make a new Skate game, it’s because they don’t need to. Nintendo went and did it already.
This is one of the best infographics I have ever seen.
This is one of the best infographics I have ever seen.Read more…
Sunday Comics: A Tight Squeeze
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except when it doesn’t. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.
If I Have To See Kirby With Human Feet, So Do You
I’ve now seen Kirby with realistic human feet and I feel like maybe the Internet was a mistake.
The next time you want to skip those animations, World of Final Fantasy players, think of the poor a
The next time you want to skip those animations, World of Final Fantasy players, think of the poor artists.Read more…
If there is any beauty to be found in Fallout 4's post-apocalyptic landscapes, leave it to Sir D
If there is any beauty to be found in Fallout 4’s post-apocalyptic landscapes, leave it to Sir David Attenborough to try and find it.
Sunday Comics: The Hyrule Guide To Food Preperation
Welcome to Kotaku’s Sunday Comics, your weekly roundup of the best webcomics that usually occurs on Sunday except when it doesn’t. The images enlarge if you click on the magnifying glass icon.
Here Is A Good Video Game Kid
Here is a note Allie’s daughter brought home from her after school care, after she used the gravest insult of all: calling another kid a “Hanzo Main”.