Metal Gear Survive has been delayed until 2018. According to Polygon, a Konami spokesperson said it was “pushed back a few months” so the title could get extra polishing before being released.
Footage Of Hideo Kojima’s Metal Gear Survive Comments Is Vanishing
During the Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima was asked about Metal Gear Survive. He wasn’t rude per se, but honest. Official footage of the incident, however, seems to be vanishing, causing all sorts of wild speculation on major Japanese game sites.
Hideo Kojima Denies Involvement With New Metal Gear Game
Konami is making a new Metal Gear. It’s called Metal Gear Survive
and has zombies on it. This weekend at the Tokyo Game Show, Hideo Kojima briefly talked about the game and how he has nothing to do with it.
Konami Releasing New Metal Gear Game
Konami isn’t going to let the loss of Hideo Kojima
stop them from using the Metal Gear license, announcing today an all-new game in the franchise: Metal Gear Survive.