Last week Kotaku’s Nathan Grayson told us about PC Building Simulator, an indie game in which the nightmare of putting together a gaming PC follows us into the virtual world. This week I played the demo release, and it’s not nearly as difficult as it is in real life.
PC Building Simulator Is Much Less Nerve-Wracking Than The Real Thing
Last week Kotaku’s Nathan Grayson told us about PC Building Simulator, an indie game in which the nightmare of putting together a gaming PC follows us into the virtual world. This week I played the demo release, and it’s not nearly as difficult as it is in real life.
A Game About Building A Gaming PC
If you play games on PC, you’ve probably at least considered building your own at some point or another. Problem: PCs are towering amalgams of chips, screws, and (ugh) thermal paste. The prospect of assembling one can be daunting. Enter PC Building Simulator.