Following the Pewdiepie controversy from last week, a good deal of YouTube rallied around the Swedish star in an attempt to defend him against ‘unfair’ attacks by the mainstream media. A few high-profile YouTubers weren’t quite as enthusiastic in their defense, which has led to some backlash.
YouTubers Are Getting Dragged For Not Supporting PewDiePie 100%
Following the Pewdiepie controversy from last week, a good deal of YouTube rallied around the Swedish star in an attempt to defend him against ‘unfair’ attacks by the mainstream media. A few high-profile YouTubers weren’t quite as enthusiastic in their defense, which has led to some backlash.
Pewdiepie’s Shock Humor Is Par For The Course On YouTube
While Pewdiepie makes headlines over a “death to all Jews” stunt that backfired, the kicker is that such antics are not an anomaly on YouTube. The open secret that everyone knows but nobody really talks about: many of YouTube’s popular nerdy figures are openly ‘offensive’ in an attempt to push back on a world that…
YouTube Cancels Pewdiepie’s Show, Removes Him From Premium Advertising
A month after YouTube’s biggest star uploaded a video containing the phrase “Death To All Jews,” the service that once hosted that very content is distancing itself a bit from Felix Kjellberg.
YouTube Cancels Pewdiepie’s Show, Removes Him From Premium Advertising
A month after YouTube’s biggest star uploaded a video containing the phrase “Death To All Jews,” the service that once hosted that very content is distancing itself a bit from Felix Kjellberg.
Disney Drops Pewdiepie Over Anti-Semitic Jokes
Maker Studios, a division of Disney, just severed their deal with YouTube megastar Pewdiepie. They pointed to a (now-deleted) January 11 video in which Pewdiepie paid two men to hold up a sign that read, “Death To All Jews.”
YouTube Views Are Down Across The Board, Analysis Says
For months, YouTubers have complained that their view counts are down. New data from the third-party stat tracker SocialBlade confirms what YouTubers fear: viewership is lower across the board.Read more…
Pewdiepie Trolls Everyone, Deletes Alternate Channel
When YouTube’s biggest star swore that he was going to delete his channel after gaining 50 million subscribers, fans didn’t know what to believe. Some thought he was really going through with it, and prepared for the worst. Today, Felix Kjellberg comes clean, revealing that it was just a joke all along.
Pewdiepie Hits 50 Million YouTube Subscribers, Says He’ll Delete Channel Tomorrow
Last week, YouTube’s biggest star swore that once he hit 50 million subscribers, he was going to delete his popular comedy channel. Today, Felix Kjellberg hit that fated number…and the channel is still up.
Pewdiepie Hits 50 Million YouTube Subscribers, Says He’ll Delete Channel Tomorrow
Last week, YouTube’s biggest star swore that once he hit 50 million subscribers, he was going to delete his popular comedy channel. Today, Felix Kjellberg hit that fated number…and the channel is still up.