Once a fandom gets big enough, it starts to develop a reputation. In the case of Five Nights at Freddy’s, the reputation isn’t necessarily a good one—and the creator of the series knows it.
Five Nights At Freddy’s Creator Says The Fandom Isn’t “Toxic”
Once a fandom gets big enough, it starts to develop a reputation. In the case of Five Nights at Freddy’s, the reputation isn’t necessarily a good one—and the creator of the series knows it.
Pewdiepie’s New Game Is A Bleak Look At Being A YouTube Star
Earlier this year, the game YouTuber’s Life made the rounds through, well, YouTube. By the time Pewdiepie played the life simulator, he didn’t seem happy about it. “That’s the truth about YouTubers,” he said at one point. “We’re all depressed. Why would anyone want to become a YouTuber? For the fame? For the money? For the mom yelling at you?”
PewDiePie’s New Game Is About Becoming More Famous Than PewDiePie
YouTube celebrity PewDiePie is releasing his second game, PewDiePie’s Tuber Simulator, in the vein of other YouTube simulators, which are often in part inspired by YouTube celebrities like PewDiePie. Help—we’re getting sucked into a vortex.