In the Japanese city of Kasugai, a 29-year-old woman was fatally hit by a car as she crossed the street on her bicycle. The driver had been playing Pokémon Go.Read more…
Show Us Your Best Pokémon Go Appraisals
This week’s new update to Pokémon Go
allows you to ask the game’s team leaders to appraise your Pokémon. A useful feature? We’re not sure. It has led to a lot of penis jokes–so many that that the game’s main subreddit is banning those jokes! Anyway…get any good, bad or funny appraisals? Share them in the comments below.
Pokémon Go Stampedes in Taiwan
Damn. This is not scene from a disaster movie. These are apparently Pokémon Go players in Taiwan. Read more…
Pokémon Go’s Team Leaders Now Actually Do Something
Pokémon Go’s Team Leaders haven’t been doing much leading thus far. That’s about to change, with the game’s latest update introducing something called “Implemented Pokémon Appraisal”.
Those are some tasty-lookin’ Pokémon burgers.
Those are some tasty-lookin’ Pokémon burgers. They’re from Down N’ Out burgers in Sydney (via Kotaku AU).
When Your Pokemon Go Playing Friends Think They’re So Hilarious
You know what they say: who needs enemies when you can have frenemies.Read more…
Pokémon Go Player Tries Getting A Million XP In A Day, Gets Treated Like Cheater
As far as Pokémon Go is concerned, only cheaters should be able to get massive amounts of XP in a short amount of time. Well, about that…Read more…
Pokémon Go Player Tries Getting A Million XP In A Day, Gets Treated Like Cheater
As far as Pokémon Go is concerned, only cheaters should be able to get massive amounts of XP in a short amount of time. Well, about that…Read more…
All Hail Team Mystic
By Miguel Mercado.Read more…
Two men in Singapore were recently arrested for fighting over Pokémon Go, reports Channel News Asia.
Two men in Singapore were recently arrested for fighting over Pokémon Go, reports Channel News Asia. One man was playing the game while crossing the street, and the other man, driving a car, honked at him. Both face a year in prison or a fine. R…