When the original Pokémon TV anime debuted in Japan on September 8, 1998, the theme song was “Mezase Pokémon Masutaa” or “Aim to be a Pokémon Master.” Now in 2017, the theme is back!
The New Pokémon Anime Masters The Art Of Silly Faces
I guess that’s the only way to think about it. Pokémon Sun Moon is a silly TV show, but some of the facial expressions it has been unloading are nothing short of art.
The Theory That Connects A Banned Pokémon Episode And Scary Mimikyu
As Kotaku previously reported, Mimikyu is terrifying in the new Pokémon Sun Moon anime. But, we thought Mimikyu was so cute! The hell is going on? Japanese fans think they’ve figured it out.
Toy Time Plays With Pokémon Sun And Moon’s Z-Ring
In what seems like an obvious effort to stay competitive with Level 5’s monster collecting sensation Yo-Kai Watch, Pokémon Sun And Moon get their own interactive wrist toy in the form of Tomy’s Z-Ring bracelet. Let’s see how it works.