Thundercat is a bassist who blends video games into everything he does, and whose latest album situates references to Mobile Suit Gundum and Sonic at the heart of new electronic soul music.Read more…
Anime, Video Games, and Funk Flow Together In Thundercat’s Drunk
Thundercat is a bassist who blends video games into everything he does, and whose latest album situates references to Mobile Suit Gundum and Sonic at the heart of new electronic soul music.Read more…
Lil B Talks About Dragon Ball Z
Rap and anime are like salt and caramel—not an intuitive match, but a delightful one. Most referenced among rap superstars like Lupe Fiasco, Soulja Boy and RZA is the classic ‘90s staple Dragon Ball Z, your childhood five o’clock Toonami fixture.
Lil B Talks About Dragon Ball Z
Rap and anime are like salt and caramel—not an intuitive match, but a delightful one. Most referenced among rap superstars like Lupe Fiasco, Soulja Boy and RZA is the classic ‘90s staple Dragon Ball Z, your childhood five o’clock Toonami fixture.