After releasing new installments every year since its 2011 debut, toys-to-life pioneer Skylanders is taking the year off. Announced during Activision’s 4th quarter 2016 financial results conference call, Skylanders is sticking to new toys and digital content for 2017.
Skylanders: Imaginators: The Kotaku Review
After a bit of a stumble with last year’s Superchargers, Skylanders is back and ready to go toe-to-toe with Disney Infinity in the creativity side of the toys-to-life battle. Had the competition not folded, Imaginators would have given it a run for its money.
Toy Time Plays With The First Batch Of Skylanders: Imaginators Figures
Skylanders: Imaginators puts a lot of stock in letting players create their own characters, but they’re only half the battle. The new sensei characters are here to guide freshly-crafted Skylanders on their way. We’ve got the first 17 or so, plus one of the special 3D printed figures. Check them out!
Character Creation Is The Best Part Of The New Skylanders
The idea was to show folks a quick five minute video of the character creation process in Skylanders: Imaginators while I work on our review. What I ended up is a nearly 20 minute testament to how deep and compelling this year’s gimmick turned out.