Sombra is now available to play on Overwatch’s public test servers. I got to try her out at BlizzCon over the weekend and found her to be extremely powerful and fun, but potentially frustrating to play against. Go hack the planet and let me know what you think.
Kotaku ‘Shop Contest: Sombra’s Day Job
Sombra is finally here! After a months long, arduous ARG campaign from Blizzard teasing the latest Overwatch character’s reveal, the punk hacker will be available to play this week. She was greeted with a mixture of joy and sorrow, laughter and crying, and jokes…and more jokes.
Kotaku ‘Shop Contest: Sombra’s Day Job
Sombra is finally here! After a months long, arduous ARG campaign from Blizzard teasing the latest Overwatch character’s reveal, the punk hacker will be available to play this week. She was greeted with a mixture of joy and sorrow, laughter and crying, and jokes…and more jokes.
Who is Sombra?
Who is Sombra? Blizzard just released her origin video, which describes how she became one of the world’s best hackers after investigating the Mexican government, as well as greater Overwatch universe conspiracies.
Who is Sombra?
Who is Sombra? Blizzard just released her origin video, which describes how she became one of the world’s best hackers after investigating the Mexican government, as well as greater Overwatch universe conspiracies.
The Internet Reacts To Overwatch’s Sombra
Sombra hacked her way into our hearts today, now that Blizzard decided to stop messing around and just announce her.Read more…
The Internet Reacts To Overwatch’s Sombra
Sombra hacked her way into our hearts today, now that Blizzard decided to stop messing around and just announce her.Read more…
Imagining Horror Stories Of A Never-Ending Overwatch ARG
Imagine a world in which the Sombra Overwatch ARG never ends—a horror world where there are only unsolved mysteries and the bitter, masochistic masses who hunt them down, forever. Are you picturing it? Here’s a twist: You don’t need to! You’re living it.
Imagining Horror Stories Of A Never-Ending Overwatch ARG
Imagine a world in which the Sombra Overwatch ARG never ends—a horror world where there are only unsolved mysteries and the bitter, masochistic masses who hunt them down, forever. Are you picturing it? Here’s a twist: You don’t need to! You’re living it.
Overwatch Players Are Sick Of The Sombra ARG [UPDATE]
Update 10/18/2016: After two months of inching forward, the Sombra-related countdown site hit 100 percent. And nothing big happened. People are now more fed up than ever.Read more…