For years, speedrunners have been trying to collect 120 Mario 64 stars in under 1:40:00. People have come close, but nobody was able to break the barrier—until now.
Tetris Speedruns Remain Hypnotizing
The only thing more enjoyable than seeing the reactions of speedrunners KevinDDR and ApertureGrillz at the end of this new world record for Tetris: the Grandmaster 2 Plus is watching all of those pieces fall into just the right places.Read more…
A New World Record For Beating Fallout: New Vegas Fast
Watch in awe as speedrunner Kungkobra destroys Fallout: New Vegas in a mere 13:45.Read more…
A New World Record For Beating Fallout: New Vegas Fast
Watch in awe as speedrunner Kungkobra destroys Fallout: New Vegas in a mere 13:45.Read more…
Skyrim Player Claims World Record For Fastest Marriage
They say you shouldn’t rush into a new marriage, but screw it. This is the funniest use of speedrunning I’ve seen lately.
Skyrim Player Claims World Record For Fastest Marriage
They say you shouldn’t rush into a new marriage, but screw it. This is the funniest use of speedrunning I’ve seen lately.