As late as 2013, the record for finishing Super Mario Bros. was held by andrewg1990 at 4:58. In April of this year, it was 4:57.427, and held by Darbian. Last weekend the record was tied by Kosmic at 4:57.244. He then broke it with a new time of 4:57.1…
Speedrunner Claims New Super Mario Bros. World Record By .05 Seconds
Super Mario Bros. speedrunner Kosmic seems to have shaved the record time for completing the 1985 Nintendo Entertainment System classic by three frames, based on a video and Tweet he posted early this morning.Read more…
The Mini-NES Makes Classic Games Look Better Than Virtual Console
If you’re in the United States, you still can’t pre-order Nintendo’s upcoming Mini-NES, due to be released on November 11. But you can look at its emulation capabilities compared to the Wii U virtual console thanks to a new video by GameXplain.
Anyone For A $27,000 Super Mario Bros. Watch?
Anyone? No?Read more…