Nintendo announced a new Kirby for the Switch, coming next year. Yes, it’s just called Kirby.
Nintendo announced a new Kirby for the Switch, coming next year.
Nintendo announced a new Kirby for the Switch, coming next year. Yes, it’s just called Kirby.
Cave Story And Code Of Princess Collide In Fighting Game Blade Strangers
Revealed last night during the official Twitch E3 stream, Studio Saizensen’s Blade Strangers is a 2D fighter that combines the speed of Guilty Gear with the easy inputs of Smash Bros. More importantly, it let’s Curly from Cave Story fight Solange from Code of Princess.
Arms Players: Motion Controls Or Standard Controls?
Over the weekend a bunch of people had their first chance to play Arms, Nintendo’s upcoming rubber-band boxing game. If you played one of the hour-long “testpunch” betas, I have one question for you: motion controls, or nah?
Arms Players: Motion Controls Or Standard Controls?
Over the weekend a bunch of people had their first chance to play Arms, Nintendo’s upcoming rubber-band boxing game. If you played one of the hour-long “testpunch” betas, I have one question for you: motion controls, or nah?
Square Enix Announces New JRPG Lost Sphear For PS4, Switch, And Steam
The follow up to I Am Setsuna is Lost Sphear, the latest release from Square Enix’s Tokyo RPG Factory.
Some Thoughts On Arms After Playing This Weekend’s Open Beta
Arms is hard to pin down, both literally and figuratively. While this weekend’s global testfires offered a good introduction to the house of whimsical party combat Nintendo is trying to build, a quick stroll around inside left me wondering, Peggy Lee-style, if that’s all there is.
The PS4 and Switch versions of Dragon Quest X have release dates for Japan: DQX for PS4 will be out
The PS4 and Switch versions of Dragon Quest X have release dates for Japan: DQX for PS4 will be out August 17, while DQX for Switch will be out September 21. No word yet about outside Japan.
Monster Hunter XX Getting Special Switch Hardware In Japan
To mark Monster Hunter XX’s Switch version, Capcom is releasing a special MH emblazoned Switch.