It’s Friday and we finally got to see Sombra? What a day, readers!
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
It’s the weekend! This week I’ve been playing a game of Subterfuge that is slowly killing me (besides the truce we called to watch the debate together), so I’m really looking to unwind with some games where my friends aren’t constantly lying to me.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
It’s the weekend! This week I’ve been playing a game of Subterfuge that is slowly killing me (besides the truce we called to watch the debate together), so I’m really looking to unwind with some games where my friends aren’t constantly lying to me.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
Sometimes, when Saturday morning rolls around, I think, “Oh boy—two whole days to do all the work I didn’t get to during the week!” I’m like that, readers. But, since I work at Kotaku, sometimes that work is playing video games!
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
Sometimes, when Saturday morning rolls around, I think, “Oh boy—two whole days to do all the work I didn’t get to during the week!” I’m like that, readers. But, since I work at Kotaku, sometimes that work is playing video games!
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
It’s the weekend! I have so many chores to do: laundry, grocery shopping, cleaning the bathroom—which means I’m going to think about doing those things and then just play some video games instead.
What Are You Playing This Weekend?
It’s still hot, and it’s still summer! It’s also the weekend. What are you gonna be playing? Video games? Board games? A knock-off Fender that you found in a hotel room while on an assassination contract?