In 2016, esports experienced even more highs and lows than the previous year. That’s what it means to be growing. But while the industry surrounding competitive gaming continues to expand on the backs of enthusiastic investors and hype-men, it’s important not to forget why anyone actually watches it in the first place: the people playing are really damn good.
World of Warcraft Guild Forgets To Screenshot Raid Boss Kill, Starts Drawing Them In MS Paint
When European World of Warcraft guild Wiping with Enthusiasm missed capturing a screen of its Elerethe Renferal kill during the Mythic Emerald Nightmare raid, their guild leader started documenting their progress using MS Paint. And that is how art is …
World of Warcraft Guild Forgets To Screenshot Raid Boss Kill, Starts Drawing Them In MS Paint
When European World of Warcraft guild Wiping with Enthusiasm missed capturing a screen of its Elerethe Renferal kill during the Mythic Emerald Nightmare raid, their guild leader started documenting their progress using MS Paint. And that is how art is …
World of Warcraft Guild Forgets To Screenshot Raid Boss Kill, Starts Drawing Them In MS Paint
When European World of Warcraft guild Wiping with Enthusiasm missed capturing a screen of its Elerethe Renferal kill during the Mythic Emerald Nightmare raid, their guild leader started documenting their progress using MS Paint. And that is how art is …
World of Warcraft Guild Forgets To Screenshot Raid Boss Kill, Starts Drawing Them In MS Paint
When European World of Warcraft guild Wiping with Enthusiasm missed capturing a screen of its Elerethe Renferal kill during the Mythic Emerald Nightmare raid, their guild leader started documenting their progress using MS Paint. And that is how art is …
Ronda Rousey Says She Played World of Warcraft With Vin Diesel
Rejoice, nerds: The blood elf rogue you’re raiding with in World of Warcraft could, in fact, be famed MMA fighter and noted babe Ronda Rousey.
Ronda Rousey Says She Played World of Warcraft With Vin Diesel
Rejoice, nerds: The blood elf rogue you’re raiding with in World of Warcraft could, in fact, be famed MMA fighter and noted babe Ronda Rousey.
The Future Of Leveling In World Of Warcraft
By now, you probably know the drill: a new World of Warcraft expansion comes out, and the level cap soars to new heights. In the past couple expansions, though, focus has shifted from traditional leveling to alternative forms of advancement like Keeps, Order Halls, and Artifact Weapons. Zones have also become non-linear. Blizzard told me they’ve considered getting rid of regular leveling entirely.
Blizzard Won’t Remaster Old Warcraft Games Because They’re ‘Just Not That Fun Anymore’
With the original Diablo getting the necromancy treatment (not to be confused with the Necromancer treatment) in Diablo III, fans of other Blizzard series are wondering when they’re gonna get theirs. The answer for Warcraft? Not any time soon, unfortunately.
World Of Warcraft’s Most Popular Legacy Server, Nostalrius, Is Returning
Shortly before BlizzCon, the people behind recently shut down World of Warcraft legacy server Nostalrius put Blizzard on notice. “If Blizzard doesn’t make an announcement to honour their own core values, be sure that we will,” they wrote. BlizzCon’s come and gone, and Nostalrius is coming back.