The first round of For Honor’s faction war ended yesterday with a surprising upset by the Vikings. Initially underestimated, the bearded brutes have suddenly become the game’s top faction.
Microsoft Unveils $10 Monthly Gaming Subscription Service For Xbox One
Coming this spring to the Xbox One, the Xbox Game Pass will give console owners access to over 100 Xbox One and backwards compatible games for $9.99 a month. Read more…
Microsoft Unveils $10 Monthly Gaming Subscription Service For Xbox One
Coming this spring to the Xbox One, the Xbox Game Pass will give console owners access to over 100 Xbox One and backwards compatible games for $9.99 a month. Read more…
For Honor Players Claim To Be Troubled By Lag
For Honor’s handling of multiplayer is causing frustrations for some players as lag rears its head, ruining fights and disrupting matches in the online melee fighting game.
For Honor Players Claim To Be Troubled By Lag
For Honor’s handling of multiplayer is causing frustrations for some players as lag rears its head, ruining fights and disrupting matches in the online melee fighting game.
Here’s March’s Xbox Live Games With Gold Lineup
If you missed out on Borderlands 2 or have always been a little curious about Evolve, Xbox Live’s Games with Gold will look pretty good to you for March. Paying subscribers to Xbox Live can grab these four games for “free”if they have an Xbox Live Gold subscription.
Microsoft just announced that the Xbox’s E3 briefing will air Sunday, June 11th at 2PM PST, and not
Microsoft just announced that the Xbox’s E3 briefing will air Sunday, June 11th at 2PM PST, and not on Monday morning, when it usually is.
Resident Evil 7 Producer Explains How They Made The Game So Scary
Resident Evil 7 was a watershed moment for the series that reinvigorated the languishing franchise. Series producer Masachika Kawata told us how the team over at Capcom brought the series home again.Read more…
Resident Evil 7 Producer Explains How They Made The Game So Scary
Resident Evil 7 was a watershed moment for the series that reinvigorated the languishing franchise. Series producer Masachika Kawata told us how the team over at Capcom brought the series home again.Read more…
Here’s Why Resident Evil 7 Characters Have Such Great Teeth
Resident Evil 7’s most distressing horror technique is not a well placed jump scare or dangerous boss encounter. It’s the teeth. Those terrifying, perfect teeth. Thanks to series producer Masachika Kawata, we finally know what the deal is with everyone’s stellar dental work.