Speedrunners continue to tear their way through Resident Evil 7, facing down its horrors with no hesitation. The fastest runs are on easy mode and use special weapons. One runner cranked the difficulty all the way up and hacked their way through with a…
Seems Like EA Is Mostly Done Updating Star Wars Battlefront
In an earning’s call yesterday, EA offered more information about a new Star Wars Battlefront for the holiday season later this year. As the series moves on, this leaves some fans of the current game unsure of what the future might be.
Everyone In Resident Evil 7 Has Amazing Teeth
Resident Evil 7 is my current gaming obsession. I’ve been blasting the heads of monsters and bravely running away from immortal cannibals for an entire week now. But there’s one thing about Resident Evil 7 that should terrifying us all. The teeth. Good Lord, the teeth. They are perfect. They are everywhere.
Tips For Playing Resident Evil 7
Resident Evil 7 is full of ooze monsters and creepy cannibals. It can be hard to get your bearings. Fear not, would-be victims. I am here to share some tips for making it out alive.Read more…
Resident Evil 7: The Kotaku Review
Horror games are a difficult thing to get right. They can feel like carnival attractions, full of overblown scares, or have so little horror that they elicit nothing but eye rolls. Resident Evil 7 gets it right. It’s a scary and violent blast of survival horror that sneaks up behind you before plunging a chainsaw in…
RIP Xbox One Snap Mode
Snap Mode, that gimmick on the Xbox One that let you “snap” something else onto the side of your screen while you were watching a movie or playing a game, is no more. Microsoft is ditching the feature to make the console’s dash run faster.
Five Hours In, Resident Evil 7 Is A Bloody Nightmare
I’ve been sneaking and shooting my way through Resident Evil 7 for the last day and loving it. It’s a big breath of fresh air that’s pretty damn terrifying. Here are some early thoughts on what works and what doesn’t.
Dark Souls 3 Player Finds Extra Ridiculous Way To Beat A Boss
One of Dark Souls 3‘s most difficult bosses has been defeated in dizzying self challenge. The accomplishment is full of unbelievable parries and stripping.
Titanfall Twitter Spams Random People Who Tweet They Want New Games
Titanfall’s official Twitter account is taking a rather active approach to their marketing. The account is messaging users who make the smallest mention of wanting to play a new game.
Titanfall Twitter Spams Random People Who Tweet They Want New Games
Titanfall’s official Twitter account is taking a rather active approach to their marketing. The account is messaging users who make the smallest mention of wanting to play a new game.