In shoujo anime, or anime made for women, “love” is the gravitational center around which the characters and plot points fold. Our leading lady’s flaws are gaps only her crush can fill. The plot is a slow sanding-down of her hard edges, preparing her for companionship. And, when the string track swells at the end of…
New Anime Trolls ‘Boys’ Love’ Fans With Stupid Art
Gakuen Handsome is the wikiHow art of anime. Maybe it’s sincere. Probably, it’s winking at you with an ironic smile. Definitely, it is disorienting and hilarious.
New Anime Trolls ‘Boys’ Love’ Fans With Stupid Art
Gakuen Handsome is the wikiHow art of anime. Maybe it’s sincere. Probably, it’s winking at you with an ironic smile. Definitely, it is disorienting and hilarious.