The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild is amazing in its own right. Its world is breathtakingly gorgeous and bursting at the seams with surprises. So why am I and other players wasting so much time resetting the Nintendo Switch’s clock so we can keep spawning new treasure chests with our Amiibos?
Zelda: Breath Of The Wild Is Full Of Amazing Little Details
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild manages to be both massive and unusually detailed. The sprawl of Hyrule will take weeks or even months for most of us to explore, not just because of its square mileage but because of how much there is to see and do in a given field or forest.
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild Teaming Up With Monster Hunter XX
Hey, you’ve got some Breath of the Wild in my Monster Hunter XX! The upcoming Capcom title is getting a special in-game crossover with the latest Zelda.
Hookshots, Wii U Maps, And Other Things Nintendo Cut From Zelda: Breath of the Wild
To make a game as massive and astounding as The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, the developers at Nintendo needed to take a lot of experiments. As a result, they left a lot of ideas on Hyrule’s floor.
Fans Are Still Trying To Recreate An Expansion For Ocarina Of Time That Probably Never Existed
Ura Zelda was originally supposed to be an expansion for the The Legend of Zelda: Ocarina of Time that would add new new dungeons to the base game. Intended as disk for the 64DD peripheral that would work in tandem with the base game, it was never completed. So naturally, as Eurogamer reports, there’s an entire…
Nintendo Switch: The Kotaku Review
The Nintendo Switch is a fascinating new game console built around a novel and well-executed central idea. It also has plenty of problems that will doubtless be improved upon in a future version. Nintendo is yet again trying something new, and here we …
The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild: The Kotaku Review
Early in The Legend of Zelda: Breath of the Wild, I discovered a puzzle shrine containing a small maze. Inside that maze was a little ball. The goal, I realized, was to maneuver the ball out of the maze and slide it into a nearby funnel. To do this, I’d have to rotate my Nintendo Switch controller, using motion…
Early Impressions Of The Legend Of Zelda: Breath Of The Wild
My emotional journey over my first four hours of playing the new Zelda: liked it, grew skeptical of it, doubted it, regained appreciation, now hooked on it.Read more…
An Anime Commercial For The Legend Of Zelda’s Milk
Let us all close our eyes and imagine, that as part of Breath of the Wild’s marketing campaign, Nintendo had thought to make an anime trailer for some Lon Lon Milk. Now, open them and watch the clip anyway, because Channy & Kimberly were smart enough to make it for us.
Auschwitz-Themed Escape Room Stops Selling Tickets Amid Backlash
In a move surprising almost no one, an escape room inspired by the Auschwitz Nazi death camp has decided to stop selling tickets amid public outcry over its apparent exploitation of one of the darkest chapters in the world’s history.